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BA 342 SP 21 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Project

By May 17, 2021No Comments

BA 342 SP 21

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Project

Project Opens: Thursday, 4/08

Due Date: Friday, 4/16 by 11:59 p.m. (US Eastern)

Assignment Value is 35 Points – Late = zero points


Introduction:  In this project you will review the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs) using resources provided in the class slides for this project. Understanding the SDGs is a fundamental leadership competency as all major corporations are engaged in SDG initiatives. As the next generation of leaders, it is imperative we learn to connect business to global goals. Once you have reviewed what the SDGs are, and the types of goals addressed, you have two parts to include in a 2 page write up.

Two web sites are provided below to start your review. You may use any other sources that speak to the topic:

Part #1: Choose one major goal and write a few paragraphs describing this goal and why it is important to the world and to you personally.

Part #2: Choose a major global company you find interesting (Think Fortune 500 or Global 500).  You will review how that company is working with the SDGs. What goals do they focus on, examples of that focus, and why it is important to their business?

Project Description/Deliverables:

Part #1:  Review Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Review the SDGs on the Global Goals web site above. Choose one of the goals that you find the most interesting and write about this goal as follows:

  • What is the goal and what about it interests you (personal opinion)
  • Describe some key aspects of the goal (as listed or other aspects know to you)
  • Talk about actions you and others can take to work toward the goal.
  • What could you do, or your future company do, to support this goal?

Part #2:

Choose a Fortune 500/Global 500 company you find most interesting and discuss where they stand with respect to the SDGs.

  • Which goals are they focusing on and why?
  • How do you (or they) see this focus impacting their business?
  • Do they engage employees or other stakeholders in those SDGs?

Paper Content Guidelines: Paper must be 2 pages long (1-page section #1 including a paper introduction & 1-page section #2 including a conclusion).

It is critical to write this paper using your own words!

Note: The layout of the paper should look like this:

  • Introduction:  Briefly explain what is in your 2-page summary report
  • Part #1 SDG Goal Review
  • Part #2 Company SDG Review
  • Conclusion: Summarize what you have learned

Citations: You may use content from other sources to support your content, but you must cite your sources. The citation style is up to you. You can use in-text citations and/or create a separate Citation Section at the end of the document. Citation Sections do not count as part of the page-length/page count.

Paper Mechanics/Deliverable Guidelines:

  1. Typed, electronic document – File format should be .doc/.docx only.
  2. Single-spaced, 0 pt. between lines except one line between sections.
  3. Margins on all 4 sides: .5 – 1”
  4. Type: 12-point font; Calibri or Times New Roman
  5. Two pages —no more, no fewer—as described above. Citation Sections DO NOT count as part of the page count/page length.
  6. Tell us your thoughts in your own words and from your own perspective.
  7. Title: “Sustainable Development Goals Analysis– BA 342 SP21”
  8. Your Name clearly listed on the paper (not in the document header)
  9. Bold the title and headings for both sections as noted above and where in the paper bold headings make sense for readability.
  10. Grammar, spelling and attention to detail are always important – check your document carefully before submitting it.
  11. Name your file using the following naming convention: Lastname Firstname SDG Project.doc/docx Example: Smith Mary SDG Project.docx

Submitting Your Project:

Do not wait until the last minute to upload your project to Canvas. Start the uploading process at least 30 minutes before the deadline. Do NOT copy/paste your document’s text into the assignment’s comments box, and do NOT email your project to anyone on the Teaching Team. Any file type other than .doc or .docx will not be accepted (you will receive an error message from Canvas if you try to upload any other file type in the assignment). If you do not know how to save your document as a .doc or .docx file, please contact Penn State’s IT Service Desk to learn how to submit an acceptable file.

Note: Any project not submitted according to these guidelines during the assignment submission window will earn a grade of zero. Waiting until the final day of your assignment submission window is taking a significant risk. Allow plenty of time to upload because “technical difficulties” are NOT acceptable reasons for failing to submit your project properly and on time.

BA 342 Sustainable Development Goals Project Rubric

This paper is worth up to 35 points of your course grade.

We will use the following grading guidelines.

Full Credit: 35 PointsFull credit will be given if ALL paper mechanics and ALL paper content criteria listed in these project guidelines are followed Excellent grammar
Partial Credit: 20–34 PointsMissing any of the required paper content and/or mechanics elements listed in these project guidelines.Poorly written (spelling, grammar, word choice, lack of attention to detail, etc.)Low or high page count
Zero Credit: 0 PointsNothing submitted in the Canvas assignment by the due date, or file emailed to Teaching Team at any point instead of submission in the Canvas assignment.Unacceptable file type or unreadable file submittedSubmission is irrelevant and unrelated to assignmentSubmission addresses few of the protocols in this assignmentAny amount of plagiarism from any source

Remember Honor and Integrity for this Project!

Do Your Own Work!


Author admin

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