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By May 15, 2020No Comments

悉尼大学1113Assignment2课业解析 题意: Java制作一个名为Invadem的射击游戏 解析:
异形入侵第409天,作为人类最后的生存者,你驾驶一辆无限弹药、装备220主炮的红狼坦克,继续抵御训练有素的怪物的攻击。活下去就是希望!你必须顶着敌人的火力,消灭所有怪物才能争取喘息的时间。逝去的战友给你留下的最后装备——“希望之光”——就在身边,往事一幕幕浮现,警报声却再次响起,你登上了战痕累累的装甲车…… 玩家坦克:22*14像素大小,出生于屏幕底部的中间位置;炮弹1*3像素大小,;键盘上下左右控制坦克以每帧1像素的速度移动;F发射炮弹,炮弹会摧毁敌人和屏障;玩家每关有3滴血,碰到敌人或敌人子弹血量-1 敌人:每关有40个敌人,分为4波,出生于屏幕顶部,向下移动,敌人体积16*16像素大小;每隔5s,敌人中的随机一个发射炮弹向下移动,速度一样,玩家炮弹与敌人炮弹不可以相互摧毁;敌人动作整齐划一,先向右移动30步,向下移动8个像素后再向左移动30步,每2帧进行一次移动;敌人到达屏障前10像素的位置,敌人获胜; 屏障:分为3块,均匀分布在玩家坦克出生地上方10个像素的位置;左边的距离屏幕左侧20像素,右边的距右侧20像素,中间的居中;每块屏障最多抵抗3次炮弹的攻击,无论是来自玩家还是敌人,由sprite[]数组监控,不同受损状态屏障看起来不一样,可以用像素多少来显示屏障(无损伤9像素排开,1级损伤丢失3像素保留6像素,2级损伤保留3像素,3级损伤屏障消失) 游戏输赢:玩家击败所有敌人,玩家获胜,游戏进入下一关;玩家血量为0或敌人到达屏障,玩家输 涉及知识点:
面向对象、类、碰撞检测算法、gradle 更多可加微信讨论 微信号yzr5211234 pdf 
Assignment 2You are working for a company called PipeDream which produces desktop and mobile games. The companyis currently developing a new game called Invadem. Invadem is a simple shoot’em up game where the playercontrols a tank that fights off a horde of invading space ships.You have been given the task of building a demo. You will need to implement the tank, barriers, invaders anda single level that will be repeated if the player wins or loses. Additional requirements will be released afteryour milestone submission.An artist has created a simple demonstration of the game and has posted it on your online forum (Ed). Usethis demo to help layout your entities and develop your game mechanics.Project and BuildYou have been given a scaffold which will help you get started with this assignment. You can download thescaffold onto your own computer and invoke gradle build to compile and resolve dependencies.You will be using the Processing library within your project to allow you to create a window and drawgraphics. You can access the documentation from the following linkGame ObjectsThe project contains a number of entities that will need to be modelled within your application. You havebeen provided some basic test cases to help develop and implement their functionality.TankThis is a player controlled entity that can be moved by pressing the left and right arrow keys on the keyboardand moves at a rate of 1 pixel per a frame . The tank is 22×14 pixels, it starts at the bottom-middle of thedisplay. A tank can fire projectiles which can hit the barriers or enemy invaders. It can shoot multipleprojectiles towards the invaders. If an enemy projectile hits the tank, it will lose a hit point, if the tank is hit 3times, the game should transition to a Game Over screen since the tank has been destroyed.InvaderEach invader has a unique starting position but move in time with every other invader. The invader swarmmoves from the top-middle of the screen to the player’s barriers. Once an invader has reached the barriers,the game should transition to a Game Over screen.Invaders will move 30 steps in one direction before moving down and heading 30 steps in the other direction.Each sideways step will constitute a movement of 1 pixel, each step is made every two frames. When aninvader moves downward, it will move 8 pixels down and transition to it’s other sprite.The invaders are part of a larger swarm, the swarm starts with 40 invaders (10 invaders per row, 4 rows). Eachinvader is 16×16 pixels, this will correspond with the size of their sprites. They will have the same collisionarea as their sprites.Once an invader is hit, it is considered to have been destroyed and should no longer be rendered by thegame. When all invaders have been hit, this will result in the player winning the game and transitioning to theNext Level screen.Every 5 seconds, an invader will be randomly selected to fire a projectile downwards.BarrierA barrier is composed of 9 different components, each component can sustain 3 hits. Once a component hasbeen destroyed, it no longer offers protection for the tank. When a barrier sustains a hit, it will change to adifferent sprite, indicating that it has been damaged. The player is provided with 3 barriers, each barrier, leftbarrier is at least 20 pixels away from the left boundary described in the application section, the center barrierstarts in the centre of the screen, right barrier is at least 20 pixels away from the right boundary. Each barrieris at least 10 pixels above the tank’s location.A barrier can be hit by the tank and an invader.ProjectileA projectile can be fired by both the tank and an invader, however, an invader’s projectile will not hit any otherinvader (only the barrier and tank). The tank can hit the barrier as well as any invader. Once a projectileimpacts with another entity, it will cease to exist.The projectile is 1×3 pixels and travels upwards 1px per frame.Game ConditionsThe goal of the game is for the player to destroy all invaders before either the tank is destroyed or theinvaders land.The player wins when the following conditions have been met:All invaders are destroyed.The computer wins when one of the following conditions have been met:An invader reaches the barriers (10px away from the barriers).The tank is hit 3 times and destroyed.ApplicationYour application will need to adhere to the following specification640 width 480 height window with a black background.Left boundary (tank cannot move past this point) at x 180, Right boundary at x 460.Must maintain a frame rate of 60 frames per second.Your application must be able to compile and run on any the university lab machines using gradlebuild & gradle runFailure to do so, will result in 0% for Final Code Submission.Your program must not exhibit any memory leak, try to load all assets prior to usage.You must use the processing library, you cannot use any other framework such as javafx, awt or jogl.AssetsArtists within the company have produced sprites for your game. You have been provided a /resourcesfolder which your code access directly. These assets are loadable using the loadImage method attached thePApplet type. Please refer to the processing documentation when loading and drawing an image.Algorithms that may come in handy!It is likely you will need to utilise the following algorithms and patterns within your project. You will need toidentify where you will utilise these algorithms and document them in your report.Collision Detection (AABB)Since all entities within the game can contain an axis aligned bounding box. You may implement the followingcollision detection method.Assume the following variables (r1, r2) have the properties: x, y, width, height.AnimationYou have been given sprites to associate to entities. Due to the simplicity of the game there isn’t a lot ofanimation that is required but you may find it beneficial to maintain an animation state within each entity.Each entity will contains a list of sprites which can be swapped to.check_collection(r1, r2):if ( r1.x < (r2.x + r2.width) ) and( (r1.x + r1.width) > r2.x ) and( r1.y + (r2.y + r2.height) ) and( (r1.height + r1.y) > r2.y )://Collision has been detectedreturn true;else:return falseAnimationData {sprites[];currentSpriteIndex;delay;tick() {//Action to take on a draw call//use information to delay a sprite transition//Loop around if index >= length of sprites}}Marking Criteria (12%)Your final submission is due on 10th of November at 11:59PM AEST. Please make sure you submit your codeto Ed and your report to Canvas.Final Code Submission (5%)You will need to have implemented and satisfied requirements listed in this assignment. Make sure youhave addressed the following and any other requirements outlined previously.Window launches and shows black backgroundTank is rendered and can be moved by the userInvaders are rendered, move according to the pattern described and change sprites on movementBarriers are rendered, can be hit by both tank and invaderWin condition can be reached by the playerLoss condition can be reached by the computerEnsure your application does not repeat large sections of logic, try to minimise repetition.Ensure your application code exhibits good OO principles (Utilising inheritance, interfaces andclasses effectively)Additional requirements will be announced after the milestone deadline which will need tobe implementedMilestone (1%)To ensure progress has been made within on your project. You will need to submit a working submissionof your project by Tuesday on October 29th by 11:59pm AEST.You must achieve the following:Draw the tank on the screen.At least one invader is drawn in its starting position.At least one barrier is set up.The tank can be moved using left and right arrow keys.However, try to aim to complete as much as you can so your tutor can provide as much feedback onyour milestone submission.Additional Test Cases (2%) During development of your code, add additional test cases to your projectand test as much functionality as possible. You will need to construct unit test cases within the src/testfolder.To test the state of your entities without drawing, implement a s
imple game loop that will update thestate of each object but not draw the entity.Some suggestion for test cases you should create:Tank (movement, change sprites, fires projectile, intersection, state changes)Projectile (checks for intersection, travel velocity)Invader (checks movement pattern, projectile firing, state change)Barrier (It can be hit, changes state after hit, can be hit by different entities, it’s current placement inthe application)Code coverage, common and corner casesEnsure your test cases cover over 90% of execution paths (Use jacoco in your gradle build)Ensure your test cases cover common cases.Ensure your test cases cover edge cases.Each test cases must contain a brief comment explaining what it is testing.Design, Report and Comments (3%), (400 words minimum, 1200 words maximum) You will need tosubmit a report that elaborates on your application design and development progress. Please include:Documentation on your progress, highlighting what you have identified from the problemdescription, requirements gathering and how you have represented concepts within yourapplication.Provide a high level overview of your implementationFor each class created, state what you used it for and why it was incorporated into your design.Highlight changes you have made after the milestone submission, identifying how your initial designat the milestone hindered or helped your final submission.Reflection, highlight issues that you encountered while modelling your application and anyimprovements you can identify.Your code should be clear, well commented and concise, try not to repeat yourself and utilise OOPconstructs within your application.Your code should be easy to follow, help the reader and avoid distraction. The code and designshould aim provide a cohesive layout and concise comments; well chosen names; and idiomatic useof the Java languageExtension (1%) You really want to impress! Add an additional feature to the game. We have providedsome extension ideas but you are free to implement your own extension, please check with your tutorfor approval.You will need to outline your extension idea within your report so the marker knows what to look for.Some ideas that you can implement:2 Player mode, two players can play the game at the same time on the same computer, this tankwill be using a different sprite to the one provided.Network play, Your game can create a server where two people can play the game from differentcomputers.Add sound effects to your game, make those visual pop with some sound effects.Warning : Any attempts to deceive or disrupt the marking system will result in an immediate zero for theentire assignment. Negative marks can be assigned if you do not properly follow the assignment specification,or your code is unnecessarily or deliberately obfuscated.Academic DeclarationBy submitting this assignment you declare the following:I declare that I have read and understood the University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy andProcedure, and except where specifically acknowledged, the work contained in this assignment/project is my ownwork, and has not been copied from other sources or been previously submitted for award or assessment.I understand that failure to comply with the Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure can lead to severepenalties as outlined under Chapter 8 of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as amended). These penalties maybe imposed in cases where any significant portion of my submitted work has been copied without properacknowledgement from other sources, including published works, the Internet, existing programs, the work of otherstudents, or work previously submitted for other awards or assessments.I realise that I may be asked to identify those portions of the work contributed by me and required to demonstratemy knowledge of the relevant material by answering oral questions or by undertaking supplementary work, eitherwritten or in the laboratory, in order to arrive at the final assessment mark.I acknowledge that the School of Computer Science, in assessing this assignment, may reproduce it entirely, mayprovide a copy to another member of faculty, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarismchecking service or in-house computer program, and that a copy of the assignment may be maintained by theservice or the School of Computer Science for the purpose of future plagiarism checking.  


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