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By May 15, 2020No Comments

hw2 February 16, 2020 0.1 Homework 2 • 0.1.1 Release Date: Friday, February 14 • 0.1.2 Due Date: Tuesday, February 25 at 12:00PM 0.1.3 Introduction In this homework, we will use data provided by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The table contains information about inspections of each of New York City’s 24,000 restaurants. Each restaurant receives a grade of A,B,C based on a score that tallies points from health violations. Please see the following link for information. We have made the data available to you in /shared folder on JupyterHub (refer csv file: nyc_restaurant_inspections.csv). We want to understand the scoring of restaurants. We will walk through the various steps of exploratory data analysis with you providing insights along the way to give you a sense for each discovery and its implication. As we clean and explore data, you will gain practice with: * Reading simple csv files * Working with data at different levels of granularity * Identifying the type of data collected, missing values, outliers, etc. We will guide you through the problems step by step. However, we encourage you to discuss with us in Office Hours and on Piazza so that we can work together through these steps. Submission Instructions Submission of homework requires two steps. See Homework 0 for more information. Step 1 You are required to submit your notebook on JupyterHub. Please navigate to the Assignments tab to – fetch – modify – validate – submit 1 your notebook. Consult the instructional video for more information about JupyterHub. Step 2 You are required to submit a copy of your notebook to Gradescope. Follow these steps Formatting Instructions 1. Download as HTML (File->Download As->HTML(.html)). 2. Open the HTML in the browser. Print to .pdf 3. Upload to Gradescope. Consult the instructional video for more information about Grade- scope. 4. Indicate the location of your responses on Gradescope. You must tag your answer’s page numbers to the appropriate question on Gradescope. See instructional video for more infor- mation. Note that • You should break long lines of code into multiple lines. Otherwise your code will extend out of view from the cell. Consider using \ followed by a new line. • For each textual response, please include relevant code that informed your response. • For each plotting question, please include the code used to generate the plot. If your plot does not appear in the HTML / pdf output, then use Image(‘name_of_file’) to embed it. • You should not display large output cells such as all rows of a table. Instead convert the input cell from Code to Markdown back to Code to remove the output cell. Important: Gradescope points will be awarded if and only if all the formatting instructions are followed. Collaboration Policy Data science is a collaborative activity. While you may talk with others about the homework, we ask that you write your solutions individually. If you do discuss the assignments with others please include their names below. Name: list name here NetId: list netid here Collaborators: list names here Question Points Gradescope 2 1a 0 1b 0 2a 1 2b 1 2c 2 3a 1 3b 2 3c 3 2 Question Points 4a 1 4b 1 4c 2 Total 16 Rubric To start the assignment, run the cell below to set up some imports. In many of these assignments (and your future adventures as a data scientist) you will use pandas, numpy and matplotlib.pyplot. Import each of these libraries as their commonly used abbreviations (e.g., pd, np and plt). [ ]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Set some parameters in the packages %matplotlib inline plt.rcParams[‘figure.figsize’] = (16,8) plt.rcParams[‘figure.dpi’] = 150 pd.options.display.max_rows = 20 pd.options.display.max_columns = 15 # Some packages to help with configuration from IPython.display import display, Latex, Markdown, Image import os [ ]: # TEST import sys assert ‘pandas’ in sys.modules and pd assert ‘numpy’ in sys.modules and np assert ‘matplotlib’ in sys.modules and plt assert ‘os’ in sys.modules and os 0.2 1: Loading NYC restaurant data Let’s start with understanding the structure of the data. Recall this involves answering questions such as • Is the data organized in records? • What are the fields in each record? 3 0.2.1 Question 1a: Reading CSV file Let’s attempt to load nyc_restaurant_inspections.csv into pandas data frame with the follow- ing name: res. [ ]: dsDir = os.environ[“HOME”] + “/shared/” fileName = ‘nyc_restaurant_inspections.csv’ res = pd.read_csv(dsDir + fileName) Now that you’ve read in the files, let’s try some pd.DataFrame methods. Use the DataFrame.head command to show the top few lines of the res dataframe. [ ]: res.head(3) The DataFrame.describe method can also be handy for computing summaries of various statistics of our dataframes. Try it out the dataframe. [ ]: stats = [‘mean’, ‘max’, ‘min’, ‘std’] res.describe().loc[stats] 0.2.2 Question 1b: Verify your file was read correctly Now, we perform some checks for you to verify that you loaded the data with the right structure. Run the following cells to load some basic utilities (you do not need to change these at all): First, we check the size of the table you created: [ ]: # TEST assert all(res.columns == [‘CAMIS’, ‘DBA’, ‘BORO’, ‘BUILDING’,␣ ↪→’STREET’,’ZIPCODE’, ‘PHONE’,’CUISINE DESCRIPTION’,’INSPECTION␣ ↪→DATE’,’ACTION’, ‘VIOLATION CODE’,’VIOLATION␣ ↪→DESCRIPTION’,’CRITICAL FLAG’,’SCORE’, ‘GRADE’,’GRADE DATE’,’RECORD␣ ↪→DATE’,’INSPECTION TYPE’]) assert 381834 <= len(res) <= 381834 Next we’ll check that the statistics match what we expect. The following are hard-coded statistical summaries of the correct data. . [ ]: # TEST res_summary = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['SCORE'], data = [19.544726, 156.000000, -1.000000, 13.910111], index = ['mean', 'max', 'min', 'std']) 4 assert all(np.isclose(res[["SCORE"]].describe().loc[stats].values, res_summary. ↪→values)) print('What we expect from your dataframe:') res_summary 0.3 2: Examining the data We will explore the table to better understand the information behind it. 0.3.1 Question 2a Examining the entries in the data frame res, we notice the CAMIS columns. Are the values in the CAMIS column value unique amongst records? 1. Use value_counts to count the values in the CAMIS column 2. Use max to check the largest count from among the values. Note that maximum greater than 1 indicates the presence of duplicates values in the CAMIS column Your code should compute the answer. Please don’t just hard code “True/False”. [ ]: is_camis_id_unique = ... # put your code here # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert is_camis_id_unique in [True, False] 0.3.2 Question 2b Determine the distinct number of grades (GRADE) in the dataframe res. Call it count_distinct_grades. 1. Use unique to determine the collection of unique values in the GRADE column [ ]: count_distinct_grades = ...# put your code here # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST 5 assert 1 < count_distinct_grades < 10 0.3.3 Question 2c What kind of values are in the ZIPCODE column in the res data frame? 1. Are zip codes quantitative or qualitative? If qualitative, is it ordinal or nominal? If quantitative, is it continuous or discrete? [ ]: q2c1_answer = ... # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert q2c1_answer in ["qualitative and ordinal", "qualitative and nominal",␣ ↪→"quantitative and continuous", "qualitative and discrete"] 2. How are the zip code values encoded in python: ints, floats, strings, booleans? You should use dtypes command on dataframe. [ ]: q2c2_answer = ... # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert q2c2_answer in ["float", "int", "bool", "string"] 3. To explore the zip code values, it makes sense to examine counts, i.e., the number of records that have the same zip code value. This is essentially answering the question: How many restaurants are in each zip code? In the cell below, create a series where the index is the zipcode and the value is the number of restaurants in that zipcode. For example, in zip code 10003, there should be 10,014 restaurants. 1. Use groupby with ZIPCODE to group the records by zipcode 2. Apply size to determine the number of records in each group 3. Use sort_valueswith ascending = False to order the zipcodes by the number of records Your series should be in descending order meaning the value 10014 should be at the top corre- sponding to zipcode 10003. If you get stuck, then look at the code in the Question 2c-4 below. [ ]: zip_counts = ...# put your code here 6 # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: 4. Unless you know pandas well already, your answer probably has one subtle flaw in it: it fails to take into account restaurants with missing zip codes. Unfortunately, missing data is just a reality when we’re working with real data. There are a couple of ways to include null zip codes in the zip_counts series above. One approach is to use fillna, which will replace all null (a.k.a. NaN) values with a string of our choosing. In the example below, we picked “?????”. When you run the code below, you should see that there are 5884 restaurants with missing zip code. [ ]: zip_counts = res.fillna("?????").groupby("ZIPCODE").size(). ↪→sort_values(ascending=False) zip_counts.head(15) 0.4 3: Understanding Restaurant Scores We want to get a better understanding for how the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene assigns scores. Let’s start by determining missing score. 0.4.1 Question 3a How many restaurants are missing SCORE values? 1. Use isnull to assign - True for missing value - False for present value 2. Use sum to count the number of missing values - Python will convert True to 1 and False to 0 - For example, sum([True, False]) equals 1 If you get stuck then see the code for Question 3b below. [ ]: missing_scores = ... # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert 10000 < missing_scores < 20000 0.4.2 Question 3b Having studied zipcodes in Question 2c, let’s try to identify which zip codes that are missing the most score values. 7 Create a series where the index is ZIPCODE, and the value is the number of restaurants with missing score in that zip code. Your series should be in descending order meaning zipcode 10003 should be at the top of the series, with the value 592. 1. Access the SCORE column 2. Group by the ZIPCODE column 3. We have provided you code for a function called count_null that counts the number of missing values. You can compare it to Question 3a. Use agg on the groups from Step 2 with count_null. If you get stuck with agg then see Question 3c-2 below for an example. 4. Use sort_values with ascending = False [ ]: def count_null(s): return len(s[s.isnull()]) num_missing_in_each_zip = ... # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: 0.4.3 Question 3c 1 Having counted the number of null values per zip code, we want to count the proportion of null values per zipcode. We need to write two functions comparable to count_null. 1. count_non_null: Input is a Series. Output is the number of values in the Series that are not null. 2. fraction_null: Input is a Series. Output is the fraction of values in the Series that are null. Note that notnull complements isnull [ ]: def count_non_null(s): # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() def fraction_null(s): # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert callable(count_non_null) and callable(fraction_null) 2 Now we create a new dataframe fraction_missing_df. It contains counts of the null values, not null values and proportion of null values. It has an index called ZIPCODE along with 3 columns: 8 [ ]: fraction_missing_df = res['SCORE'].groupby(res['ZIPCODE']).agg([count_non_null,␣ ↪→count_null, fraction_null]) fraction_missing_df.head(3) Use the method rename to replace count_non_null, count_null, fraction_null with Count Valid, Count Missing and Proportion Missing. [ ]: # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert set(fraction_missing_df.columns) == set(["Count Valid","Count Missing",␣ ↪→"Proportion Missing"]) 3. Create a new data frame called fraction_missing_df_sorted by sorting fraction_missing_df with the fraction of null values. The order should be descending meaning that zipcode 10158 should be on top corresponding to 0.3333333 [ ]: fraction_missing_df_sorted = ... # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert abs(fraction_missing_df_sorted.iloc[0,2] - 1.0/3.0) < 1e-3 0.4.4 4: Distribution of Scores across New York 0.4.5 Question 4a Read all rows from the GRADE and BORO column into a DataFrame called inspection. [ ]: inspection = ...# put your code here # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert inspection.shape[1] == 2 9 0.4.6 Question 4b Filter inspection to contain rows with grade A,B, or C in the GRADE column. Call the resulting Data Frame inspection_cleaned_grades. 1. Access the GRADE column of inspection_cleaned. 2. Use isin to check whether the value is contained in ['A','B','C'] [ ]: inspection_cleaned_grades = ... # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert inspection_cleaned_grades.shape[1] == 2 0.4.7 Question 4c Some of the entries in BORO column contain the value Missing. Filter inspection_cleaned_grades to remove rows containing Missing. Call the resulting Data Frame inspection_cleaned. 1. We have provided you with a function called check_contains_missing. 2. Use the function with applymap to determine the rows in BORO column containing the value ‘Missing’. 3. Use ~ to access the rows with the value Missing. [ ]: def check_contains_missing(s): return "Missing" in s inspection_cleaned = ... # put your code here # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() [ ]: # TEST assert inspection_cleaned[~inspection_cleaned['BORO'].isin(['QUEENS',␣ ↪→'BROOKLYN', 'BRONX', 'MANHATTAN', 'STATEN ISLAND'])].shape[0] == 0 0.4.8 Question 4c We want to determine the number of grades A,B,C amongst the five boroughs. We need to group by both GRADE and BORO. 1. Use groupby to group inspection_cleaned by ["GRADE", "BORO"]. 2. Use size to count the number of restaurants in each group. 10 Name the resulting Data Frame inspection_cleaned_groups. [ ]: inspection_cleaned_groups = ... # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError() Run the following code to generate a bar chart. Remember that a bar chart and histogram both capture counts or frequencies of a single variable. However, bar charts plot qualitative data with the height indicating the count or frequency for each category. [ ]: inspection_cleaned_groups.unstack(level=0).plot(kind="bar"); Based on the bar chart, where would you prefer to find a restaurant? In other words, which boroughs have the most sanitary food? YOUR ANSWER HERE 0.5 Congrats ! You are finished with HW2. We have covered many components of the pandas package. Please see the documentation for more information about these methods from the assignment: • read_csv • value_counts • sort_values • unique • groupby • agg • isnull • notnull • fillna • rename • isin 11


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