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By May 15, 2020No Comments

BCPR294 Final Presentation Semester 2 2019 50 marks – worth 50% of the final grade for the course Friday 6 December 9:00am POWERPOINT – 50-60+ slides Use a server side scripting language (PHP) to program data base connection solutions and web to database interconnections; programme dynamic page generation for applications such as product displays, shopping carts, client management, order management and other online applications; and program a user-friendly client interface for a web service. • Design and implement and test small systems that require server side scripting • Use supplied classes for functionality such as PDF creation, database connection and query etc. COMPLETE 20 marks A demonstration of the ‘completed’ web site. 100% of must-have ‘features’ with all scenarios working = 10/20 Configurable for two different communities = 5/20 Has technical features 5/20 • Makes a database of 2-3 tables AT FIRST • Gets data and inserts data • Modify existing data • Simple (select * or a few fields query) and display • Complex subset query and display  Work through a MoSoCoW list. Show features working in a demo. Make sure a Minimum Usable SubseT is demoed.  Show the MUST-have features working for BOTH a Suduko on-line community and a Hindi Language learning on-line community. Show how your system can be easily reconfigured for the two communities. Support Kiwispeak and Hindi. internationalization-i18n-mechanisms-tutorial/  Show the code working and/or show tests passing Analyse issues in server side programming with respect to best practice, and issues that exist in a server-side programming environment. SECURE 5 marks MUST have a secure login process and NOT “store passwords in plain text” [2 marks] A summary of the defences implemented against  A1:2017- Injection [1 mark]  A2: 2017-Broken Authentication and Session Management [1 mark]  A3:2017- Sensitive Data Exposure [1 mark]  See and For each of the three attacks • explain the attack • identify where the attack could be used against your site • demo how the attack being used against an unsecured version of your site • display code in conforming to OWASP guidelines that protects against the attack • demo the attack failing against a secured version of your site GOOD 20 marks Can (should?) have more than 2-3 tables. An analysis of and reflection on Programming values (SOLID) Select FOUR different modules of code YOU have written (15+ lines each) and explain the good principles behind the code. 4 good/valid examples of each of 5 things (S O L I D) = 20 marks LESSONS LEARNED 5 marks At the end of the course, you should reflect on your experience in the course. You should write a short essay of approximately 600 words on your experience with developing a PHP application. Marked using the SOLO Taxonomy.


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