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辅导案例-CSE 468/568

By May 15, 2020No Comments

 CSE 468/568: Robotic Algorithms  A* Planning and Execution  VERSION 1  PA2, Fall 2019  DEADLINE: October 17, 2019 11:59 pm  INSTRUCTOR: Vivek Thangavelu  WRITTEN BY: Vivek Thangavelu and Zijian An      I. Objective  The objective of this assignment is to autonomously plan and execute a path for a robot in the  Stage simulator from a start location to a goal location, given a map. The global plan is given by A*  and the local planning is done using a modified Vector Field Histogram (VFH) (Refer Section IV.6).    II. Description  1. Supplied Files  The ​ros_pa2.tar.gz​ compressed file contains three files:  ● map.txt​ – The map of the simulator world described as a 1D array with 0s and 1s  ● playground.pgm ​- ​ ​Bitmap image used to describe the obstacles and free space for the  stage simulator  ●​ – Configuration file for the stage simulator that defines the robot and its  environment (using the playground.pgm file)    2. Deliverables  ● You will write node(s) to implement the VFH and A* algorithms. The default start location is  (-8.0, -2.0) and the default goal location is (4.5, 9.0) . The goal should be defined as two ROS  global parameters, ‘​goalx’​ and ‘​goaly’, ​both of which should be of type ​double​. This allows us  to set a new goal position through the ROS parameters before running the nodes, and the  robot will then plan a path to the new goal. Please go through the tutorial on ​ROS  Parameters  ● The final package should contain a​ pa2.launch​ file that should bring up the stage simulator  (using the given world file) and your nodes.         III. Initial Setup  1. Download and extract the ​supplied files​ for PA2  (SHA256: 7a7c43abe7842faa43873568b0979d4c0b6f08b86c1bcef7768168537e06abe6)  2. Create a new package called ​ros_pa2  cd ~/catkin_ws/src catkin_create_pkg ros_pa2 std_msgs geometry_msgs rospy roscpp cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make source ~/.bashrc 3. Place the world files (playground.pgm and into an appropriate subfolder  within ​ros_pa2​. (Similar to the ros_pa1 package)  4. Create a launch file called ​pa2.launch​ in ​~/catkin_ws/src/ros_pa2​ to run the stage  simulator using the given world file. You can copy the launch file from PA1 and edit it  accordingly.    IV. Concepts  1. Simulator  Stage​ is a 2(.5)D robotics standalone simulator. It provides a virtual world populated by mobile  robots and sensors, along with various objects for the robots to sense and manipulate. The  stageros​ node wraps the Stage 2-D multi-robot simulator, via libstage for ROS. Stage simulates a  world as defined in the ​​ file, present inside the ​world​ sub-folder. This file tells  stage everything about the world, from obstacles (usually represented via a bitmap to be used as  a kind of background), to robots and other objects.   You can change the view in the simulator and move the robot in stageros. You can add  some basic visualizations such as the laser scanner range data or the robot footprints for  debugging from the ​View​ menu in stageros.    2. Robot Motion  The robot in stageros simulates a 2 wheeled differential drive robot that drives over a smooth  ground plane. In order to move the robot in the simulator, we need to send velocity commands to  the robot. This is done by publishing command ​geometry_msgs/Twist​ messages to the topic  /cmd_vel​. The robot can only respond to linear velocities in the x axis and angular velocities in the     z axis. So, to move forward, publish Twist messages with non-zero ​linear.x​ velocities and to turn,  publish Twist messages with non-zero ​angular.z ​values​.   A simple behaviour to move your robot without using the more complicated differential model is  to always have only an angular or linear velocity at a specific time to turn or move forward,  respectively.    To know the pose of the robot, you can subscribe to ​/base_pose_ground_truth ​of type  nav_msgs/Odometry ​and retrieve the position and orientation from the ​pose​ member variable.  Orientations are expressed as quaternions in ROS. Please refer to section VII.3 for conversion  between quaternion and euler angles.    3. Sensor  In order to make sense of its environment, the robot needs to get data from its sensors. The robot  is equipped with a planar laser range-finder that gives information about obstacles around the  robot. The sensor has 361 lines of lasers allowing the robot to perceive 180 degrees of the world  around it at a maximum range of 3m. In your stageros simulator, you can view the robot sensing  range by clicking on ​View -> Data​ or pressing the key ‘​D​’.     The sensor data is published to a topic ​/base_scan​ which is of type ​sensor_msgs/LaserScan​. Use  the ​ranges[i]​ member variable to get the range information of a particular laser line i. If there is  an obstacle between ​range_min ​and​ range_max, range ​will be the distance of the sensed  obstacle from the sensor. If an obstacle is outside its range values, the range will be equal to  range_max​. Move the robot around by clicking and dragging it in the simulator and visualize the  output of the sensor in rviz to understand how the sensor works. Subscribe to the topic and read  the messages to get the values of ​range_max, range_min​, each ​range​ data, etc.     4. Map  Global planners require a map for operation. The map of the robot workspace in the simulator is  given as an occupancy grid, a grid representation with 1s and 0s, with 1 indicating an obstacle in  that cell and 0 representing an empty cell. The map has 20 rows and 18 columns. The map is  described as a 1D array with 0s and 1s in ​map.txt​. You should include this into your program as  the map. You can simply paste the array into your code and read it appropriately as a 2D matrix  with dimensions of (20, 18).       5. Global planner (A* Planning):  A* is an informed search technique used to search for a path from a start location to a goal  location in a map. The total cost of a node n is given by:  f(n) = g(n) + ε.h(n)  where ​g(n)​ is the exact cost of the path from the start node to the node n and ​h(n)​ is the heuristic  function which estimates a cost from node n to the goal node.   Figure 1 depicts the movement cost from a node n (shown in green) in the occupancy grid to its 8  neighbours (shown in blue). The movement costs to the non-diagonal neighbours is 1 and the  movement costs to the diagonal neighbours is ​√2 = ​1.4. Using these movement costs and keeping  track of the path taken, the exact cost of the path from the start to any node n in the occupancy  grid can be calculated by the sum of the movement costs along the path taken.     1.4  1  1.4  1  0  1  1.4  1  1.4  Fig.1: Movement Cost  Given the current node and the goal node, you can use the ​Euclidean distance​ (L2 Norm) between  them as the heuristic cost.   The A* algorithm essentials outputs a global path from the start node to the goal node. The global  path essentially contains a list of nodes/checkpoints, such that when the robot moves to each one  of them in succession it will eventually reach the final goal location. ε is the coefficient of the  heuristic function, used to scale the heuristic cost. You can start with ε=1, and tune only if  required, based on the paths returned by your A* algorithm.   You may refer to this ​video​ for a walkthrough of the A* algorithm.    6. Local planner/Obstacle Avoidance (VFH):  The precision in the map may not capture all the minute details in the simulator. Blindly following  the path outputted by the global planner may lead to your robot crashing into obstacles. The local  planner utilizes sensor data for obstacle avoidance to travel to each checkpoint in the global path,  and eventually reach the final goal location.        Fig.2​ Polar Histogram  You will
need to implement Vector Field Histogram (VFH) for obstacle avoidance. To make things  simple, we skip the first step of deriving a local map around the robot based on recent sensor  readings. Instead, the sensor data from topic /​base_scan ​is directly used to construct the polar  histogram. The steps involved in the modified VFH are as follows:  1. Convert the sensor data into a polar ​histogram​ by grouping the sensor data at different  angles into bins of specific size (a bin size of 5 might be a good start), similar to the polar  histogram shown in Fig. 2.  a. x axis – angle α at which the obstacle is found  b. y axis – count of obstacles in that bin  c. choose a reasonable threshold to filter out noisy sensor data (i.e a bin with a count  less than the threshold may be treated as a bin with no obstacles)  2. All openings large enough for the robot to pass are found (this can be approximated based  on your interactions with the simulator, considering the sensor range and the robot size  specified in the world file)  3. Compute cost function G for all openings:  G = a * target_direction + b * current_direction + c * previous_direction  where ​target_direction​ is the difference between the chosen direction and the goal  direction, ​current_direction​ is the difference between the chosen direction and the  current heading direction, and ​previous_direction​ is the difference between the previously  selected direction and the chosen direction. The coefficients a, b and c tune the behavior of  the robot.  4. Opening with the lowest cost function G is chosen  NOTE:​ You will need to figure out the values of the coefficients and histogram bin sizes that works  best for your specific implementation. You may need to add some tweaks to the VFH algorithm for     obstacle avoidance, as you did in PA1 for BUG2 with interim behaviours. This might be required  because in both PA1 and PA2, we do not explicitly model the dynamics of the robot system.     7. Translation between Simulator and Map  Given a position in the simulator, you will need to devise a method to find the position (grid index)  in the map. This would be required for translating the start and goal locations from the  continuous, simulator world to the discrete map representation.   Similarly, a position (grid index) in the map needs to be translated to a position in the simulator  world. This would be required for translating the nodes/checkpoints in the global path specified in  the map representation, to the simulator world coordinates.  These calculations can be derived by knowing the limits of the simulator world and the map.    8. Coordinate Frames  In this robot system, there are 4 coordinate frames of reference. For this PA, we only care about  the following aspects of the various frames of reference:  ● The absolute coordinate frame of reference is named ​odom​ i.e. the root of the tree data  structure that represents the various frames.  ● The robot’s frame of reference is the ​base_link​ frame  ● The robot pose is expressed in the ​odom​ frame  ● The goal position is expressed in the ​odom​ frame  You do not have to worry about the other frames that exist in the system as all the pose  information is expressed in the same frame (​odom)​ and the distances of the obstacles are  measured from the robot’s frame.    V. Implementation Tips  Implementation in robotics can be a daunting task with multiple sub-objectives in robot control,  namely local planning and global planning. It is always a good idea to list out the sub-objectives for  your task and modularize your code accordingly. Below is a set of sub-objectives that might help  you organize your work for this PA. You do not have to follow this strictly and is presented here  purely as an example.  1. Read the map.txt as a 2D array  2. Write modules to translate between the simulator and the map     3. Based on the map, implement A* algorithm to extract a global path between the start and  goal nodes  4. Convert sensor data into a polar histogram of a specific bin size   5. Implement the modified VFH algorithm   6. Given the global path as a list of checkpoint positions in the simulator world, move the  robot using the VFH algorithm towards the next closest checkpoint  7. Repeat the above step for every checkpoint until you reach the final goal location  8. Read the goal location in your node as ROS parameters    VI. Submission Instructions  We will be using ​autolab​ in this course to submit your programming assignments. In the autolab  course page, select pa2 and then submit a tarball of your entire ​ros_pa2​ folder. From the file  viewer, you can right click ros_pa2 and click compress to get a tarball of the entire folder. The  deadline for submission is​ ​October 17, 2019 11:59 pm​. The deadline will be strictly enforced so  please submit once much earlier to test out the system. You are allowed to make multiple  submissions. We will use the final submission version to grade your programming assignment.    Late Submission Policy  You may choose to submit the assignment late by a maximum of 2 days. Each day you lose 25% of  the full grade. Hence, by submitting one day late, you lose 25% and by day 2, you lose 50%. The  deadline for each extra day is ​11:59 pm​.    VII. FAQ  1. What will I learn from this PA?  At the end of the PA2, you will have learned:  a. How to make your own ROS package and use ROS parameters  b. How to perform an informed search technique to extract optimal/close-to-optimal global  paths for a robot, given a map  c. How to implement a local planner for the robot to execute the global path    2. How to read map.txt as a 2D array?  a. You can copy the array values from ​map.txt​ and paste it into your python script/c++  source file  b. You can use the grid size mentioned in Section IV.4 to convert the 1d representation into a  2d array (For python, you may use numpy to restructure the 1d array into a 2d array)       3. How to transform from quaternion to euler?  ROS uses quaternions to track and apply rotations. A quaternion has 4 components (x,y,z,w). A  quaternion is an another way to express a 3d rotation in space. You can convert a 3d orientation  from quaternion to euler angles and vice versa. You may refer to the following links for example  code:  For Python: ​  For C++: ​    4. How to import/include a message module?  Every message is defined inside a package. So you must first know the name of the package and  the message type. For example, /cmd_vel is of type geometry_msgs/Twist. geometry_msgs is the  name of the package and Twist is the type of message.  To import in Python​:  from .msg import To include in C++:  #include “/.h”    5. rosrun does not run my node  Python:  a. Make sure your python script is in the scripts folder of your ROS package  b. Make sure you have given executable privileges to your python script:   chmod +x .py  c. Add the python header to your script:  ​#!/usr/bin/env python C++:  a. Make the necessary changes to the CMakeLists.txt file inside your package folder  b. Make sure you ran catkin_make and sourced your bashrc file:  catkin_make source ~/.bashrc      VIII. References:  1. ROS Package:​ ​  2. ROS Parameter: ​  3. Stage 4.1.1 Manual: ​  4. stageros Wiki: ​  5. A* Algorithm Walkthrough: ​  6. Histogram: ​  7. Autolab: ​  8. VFH MATLAB: ​   


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