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CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 1 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 CT071-3-3-DDAC – DESIGNING & DEVELOPING CLOUD APPLICATIONS INDIVIDUAL PROJECT Lecturer(s) : Date Assigned : Week 4 Date Due : Week 15 LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this project, you should be able to: 1. Compare various cloud based services that can be applied and integrated into a highly effective in cost and performance system. (A4, PLO8). 2. Design an application using recommended performance criteria that is suitable for deployment in a cloud platform. (C6, PLO3). 3. Defend a cloud application deployment based on various performance criteria. (A5, PLO4) BACKGROUND Cloud computing as a term has been around since the early 2000s, but the concept of computing-as-a-service has been around for much, much longer – as far back as the 1960s, when computer bureaus would allow companies to rent time on a mainframe, rather than have to buy one themselves. These ‘time-sharing’ services were largely overtaken by the rise of the PC which made owning a computer much more affordable, and then by the rise of corporate data centers where companies would store vast amounts of data. But the concept of renting access to computing power has resurfaced a number of times since then – in the application service providers, utility computing, and grid computing of the late 1990s and early 2000s. This was followed by cloud computing, which really took hold with the emergence of software as a service and hyper scale cloud computing providers such as Microsoft Azure Services, Amazon Web Services and so on. With the arrival of in 1999, the idea of cloud computing came to the fore and since then a lot has been done in this field. Its strength can be judged from the fact that it’s predicted that Cloud’s deployment will be in default by 2020. An area which is hugely benefitting from cloud computing is e-commerce. There are myriad of advantages e-commerce is drawing from cloud computing today. Cloud computing in e-commerce enables the business to look big virtually and operate extensively. (apps, 2018) For example, in term of scalability, cloud computing enables an e-commerce application to cater to the changing demand and scenarios of the market. It allows to upscale or downscale the services according to the demand, traffic, and seasonal spikes. Cloud provides the scalable architecture your business needs. The fact that your business will increase in the coming time, it is vital to scale the business as it grows. Besides, for an e-commerce business, speed plays an important role to make the customers stay glued. Thus, in the speed area, cloud computing provides the users with greater bandwidth, computational power, and storage. CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 2 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 As a summary, due to the emerging of the cloud technologies and the increasing of the internet users, nowadays, there are many apps and legacy software have already moved to the cloud. The scalability, flexibility, and increase in employee collaboration make a cloud strategy almost imperative for a growing business. According to John Angove, CEO of Commercient (CRM, 2019), “In order to be nimble, moving your processes to the cloud is the best option for companies that want to stay competitive.” QUESTION: In this individual project, you are required to develop a small interactive and dynamic web application using the ASP.NET and deploy it in the Azure Cloud. Your web application architecture must apply distributed and cloud based design concepts and integrating various cloud services, cloud storage options to optimize performance as well as availability. You may consider to develop a web application in one of the following area: i. Electronic Business / Marketing application to sell company product and services to the customers on the Internet. ii. Electronic Intermediary application that allows electronic communication between buyer and suppliers. The exact topic must be agreed with the lecturer before you start. Your application need to meet the requirements below: At the end of the development stage, you MUST deploy the application into the Microsoft Azure Cloud and use their monitoring tools to analyze your web application performance. However, the actual content of the website is entirely up to you and must be within the context of this module. CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 3 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 IMPLEMENTATION SECTION (CLO2 – 30%): Below are the minimum requirements for the cloud application. 1. Design & develop a single tenant web application hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud as an App Service (Web App). 2. Consume ANY TWO (2) of the Azure cloud storage / database services below in your cloud application. You have to briefly explain why and how you use it / them. i. Azure SQL Database ii. Azure Blobs Storage iii. Azure Table Storage iv. Azure Cosmo DB 3. Your cloud application must consist of at least 8 interlinked pages. You are required to provide a quality content and design for your system. Your application should include the user login and logout pages. 4. To be able to scale the solution to meet the needs of demands during peak seasons. 5. During the deployment stage, use the Azure Application Insights service to do and analyze your cloud application performance. Must include the Availability and Responsiveness Testing for your web site. 6. Cloud Design Pattern need to be implemented in your system. And you should also discuss the related pattern in the documentation i.e. how the pattern works in your system. CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 4 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 DOCUMENTATION SECTION (CLO1 – 50%) The documentation should include the following:  Format: – Type face: Times New Roman/ Arial. Bold face, italic & lines can be used for emphasizing and to enhance readability. – Font size: 12(except tittles and headings). – Margins: 1” from the left, right, top & bottom of the edges of the A4 paper. – Spacing: maximum 1.5 lines between texts of a paragraph. – Alignment: justify. – Headers and footers can be used all pages must be numbered accordingly. – Standard cover page as available in learning management system  Recommended Content – Cover Page » Your cover page should contain the following items:  Your Name and student ID  Intake code  Subject  Project Title  Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out)  Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in)  APU logo – Acknowledgement – Table of Contents » The table of contents should have the topic title and reference page number attached to each topic. – Introduction » This section introduces your project including the background information, and objectives, scopes, and a summary of the major functions or contents of your solution. » Discuss the background of the Azure Cloud and AWS Cloud. Compare theirs services / features together with their services pricing – Project Plan » This section defines the tasks to be completed, and project schedule. – Requirement Specifications » This section defines the minimum hardware and software requirements that needed for your application to run in the Azure cloud. CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 5 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 – Design » This section defines the cloud architecture style for your web application. » You must discuss the components such as resource group, virtual machines, virtual network and etc. that used in your architecture. » You have to discuss minimum one Cloud Design Pattern in that is suitable for your system. » Include all the diagram, e.g. system flowchart – Implementation » Discuss the
steps on how the system was implemented in the cloud environment. » Code snippet and test cases plans are required to add in this section. – Result and Discussion » Testing Discussion » Analyze and discuss the functional & performance of your application » Attach the cost analysis diagram for your Azure service usage. The diagram can be retrieved from the Azure Cost Management + Billing Section. You have to briefly discuss the cost analysis diagram. – Conclusion and Reflections – References – Appendix PRESENTATION SECTION (CLO3 – 20%): – Implementation section will be assessed by a 10 – 15 minutes demonstration. SUBMISSION  The completed solution MUST be published in Microsoft Azure  Project documentation (softcopy) to be placed in the CD.  Hardcopy of project documentation to be submitted at administrative services to comply with university regulation. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA  Please refer Appendix 1 PLAGIARISM Verbatim reproduction of material from external sources (web pages, books, papers, etc.) is not acceptable. If you are paraphrasing external content (or even your own prior work) or were otherwise influenced by them while completing your assignments, projects or exams, you must clearly acknowledge them. When in doubt, add a citation. CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 6 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA CLO Compon ent No Criteria Mark Allocation Score CLO 1 1 Documentation (100/200) – 50% 100 Introduction  Topic Background  Problem statement, Objectives, and Scope of Project  Summary of the major functions  Azure and AWS: Structure, Features and pricing comparison diagrams 15 Project Plan  Discussion on tasks to be completed  Gantt Chart 5 Requirement specifications  Hardware, Software and Users requirements 15 Design & Solution Architecture  Cloud Architectural Style and Diagrams  Discussion on the Cloud Design Pattern 20 Implementation and Deployment Guide  Application code snippets – focus on Azure Cloud Services Area  Application deployment guideline 15 Result and Discussion  Collect, and interpret diagnostics and instrumentation data  Analyze the current cost usage diagram 20 Conclusion and reflections 5 References 5 Total Score in Documentation CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 7 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 CLO Compon ent No Criteria Mark Allocated Score CLO 2 2 Implementation (60/200) – 30% 60 Interface Design  Usage of CSS  Appropriate usage of images / graphics 10 Publishing an Application to Azure 10 Testing Cloud Applications  Unit Testing  Performance Testing 20 Implementation of Managed Databases  Correct usage of Azure Database / Storage  Relevance to the project topic 20 Total Score in Implementation CLO Compon ent No Criteria Mark Allocated Score CLO 3 3 Presentation (40/200) – 20% 40 Application Scaling with Justification  Scale Up (Vertical Scaling)  Scale Out (Horizontal Scaling) 10 Discussion of Managed Databases  Connection flows from application to the Azure SQL Database & Cloud Storage Services 10 Presentation Skills  Conveying message concisely  Provide concrete examples to illustrate points  Speaking confidently  Selecting language appropriate to the audience 20 Total Score in Presentation CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 8 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 Grading: Grade Range A+ Distinction >=80% A 75-79% B+ Credit 70-74% B 65-69% C+ Pass 60-64% C 55-59% C- 50-54% D Marginal Fail 40-49% F+ Fail 30-39% F 20-29% F 0-19% CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 9 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 APPENDIX 1 Marking Band Band Description C h a ra ct er is ti cs o f S tu d en t A ch ie v em en t b y M a rk in g B a n d 80-100 % Exceptional problem solving with supporting analysis and application development skills with extraordinary originality and adoption of new tools, platforms, methods & technologies. Work may be considered for further expansion. 75-79 % Outstanding problem solving and application development skills. 70-74 % Excellent knowledge base that supports analysis, evaluation, problem-solving and application development of discipline with considerable originality 65-69 % Good knowledge base that supports analysis, evaluation, problem-solving and application development. 60-64 % Satisfactory knowledge base that supports some analysis, evaluation and problem- solving and application development. 55-59 % Basic knowledge base with some omissions at the level of technology. Restricted ability to discuss and/or or solve problems. 50-54 % Limited knowledge base. Limited understanding of discipline. Difficulty with problem solving and application development. 40-49 % Little evidence of knowledge base. Little evidence of understanding of discipline. Significant difficulty with problem solving and application development. 30-39 % Inadequate knowledge base. Inadequate understanding of discipline. Major difficulty with problem solving and application development. 20-29 % No evidence of knowledge base; no evidence of understanding of discipline. Total inability of problem solving and application development. 0-19 % Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dishonesty; (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the project brief (e.g.: answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes CT071-3-3-DDAC Individual Project Page 10 of 10 Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2019 Bibliography apps, n. g., 2018. 4 Reasons: Why Cloud Computing in E-Commerce is Important?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 April 2019]. CRM, C. -. E. I. f., 2019. DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED A CLOUD COMPUTING STRATEGY?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 April 2019].


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