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辅导案例-ELEC2602 1

By May 15, 2020No Comments

D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 1 ELEC2602 Digital Systems Design The University of Sydney Lecture 1. Introduction to Digital Systems 3 Mar, 2020 Dr. David Boland Lecture 1 ELEC2602 Semester 1, 2017 D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 2 Last Time… B A B A AA•B A+B A • Turned Boolean statements into logic gates – Boolean operations can be represented as digital schematics AND OR NOT D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 3 NAND/NOR Building blocks NOT A A (A•A) = A+A = A A B B A A•B AND ((A•B)•(A•B)) = (A•B) = A•B D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 4 A B B A A+B OR (A•A)•(B•B) = (A•B) = A+B D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 5 NOR Building Blocks A B (A+B) NOT A A (A+A) = A•A = A D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 6 B A A•B AND ((A+A)+(B+B)) = (A+B) = A•B B A A+B OR (A+B)+(A+B) = (A+B) = A+B A B A B D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 7 Constructing an XOR gate (A•B)+(A•B) What is the fewest number of NAND gates we need to implement XOR? XOR A B D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 8 Constructing an XOR gate (A•B)+(A•B) What is the fewest number of NAND gates we need to implement XOR? XOR A B 4 D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 9 Constructing an XOR gate (A•B)+(A•B) We knew that this was too many: XOR A B A A B B A•B A•B (A•B) + (A•B) D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 10 Constructing an XOR gate = (A•B)•(A•B) = (A+B)•(A+B) = A•A+A•B+A•B+B•B = A•B+A•B =(A•B)•(A•B) =(A+B)•(A•B) = A•(A•B)+B•(A•B) DeMorgan’s DeMorgan’s Distributive DeMorgan’s Distributive (A•B)+(A•B) D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 11 Constructing an XOR gate (A•B)+(A•B) = A•(A•B)+B•(A•B) = (A•(A•B))•(B•(A•B)) DeMorgan’s A•B A•(A•B) B•(A•B) (A•(A•B))•(B•(A•B)) D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 12 Exercise Working backwards: Prove that the following circuit implements the XOR function Logician’s solution: Write out a truth table for Compare to XOR truth table (A•(A•B))•(B•(A•B)) D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 13 Engineer’s solution 0011 0101 1110 1101 1011 0110 We can now check that the output is the same as the output of A XOR B D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 14 VHDL: VHSIC Hardware Description Language • How does it fit into the design flow? – It is NOT a programming language! – It is an IEEE Standard method of describing hardware. D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 15 Why do we need VHDL? • What is wrong with schematics? D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 16 Drawing Schematics • Where lines cross, signifies a connection C R A B connected not connected D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 17 Why do we need VHDL? • What is wrong with schematics? – Very easy to make mistake – Hard to design – How do you test it? D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 18 How do you use VHDL? • With VHDL, you can specify hardware in two ways: – Structurally: what the hardware looks like (schematics) – Behaviourally: what the hardware does (if…then) • * This may not translate to hardware • VHDL lets you combine structural and behavioural descriptions in the same design D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 19 Behavioural VHDL • Describes exactly what the hardware will do using something akin to software • Why you might do this: – It is easier to understand • Eliminate any misunderstandings among designers what the processor will do – Make use of someone else’s optimisation – Can simulate the design to check for mistakes • At this stage, you have specified what the hardware will do. This may not translate into hardware D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 20 Combining Behavioural Units • Divide a design into major functional units – Write behavioural code to specify what each block does. – Write structural code to specify how the blocks are connected. • Why you might do this: – Can delegate work to individual designers (each designer will know exactly what his/her block does) – Can experiment with different architectural decisions (e.g. parallelism, throughput) – Can swap detailed designs for each module as they are completed • Still, you have only specified what the hardware will do. This may not translate into hardware D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 21 Register Transfer Language (RTL) vs HDL • RTL specifies hardware in terms of basic building blocks (combinational blocks, registers, etc) – This format can be used as a source for synthesis • Determine exactly what hardware will look like. • Accurately estimate how fast/big your chip will be • Why would you do this? – You are smarter than a synthesis tool • Check that it works! – Simulate the design to make sure it matches behavioural code – Simulate with descriptions of the other functional units to make sure there are no unintended interactions D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 25 RTL vs Gate-Level Design • Gate level: specify design in terms of individual gates – Why you might do this: • You are smarter than a synthesis tool – This is often created automatically from the RTL description D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 26 A Source for Synthesis • VHDL can be used as a source for synthesis – A synthesis tool automatically creates an optimized gate-level description from VHDL code • Remember! VHDL is a hardware description language – There are many things that we can describe, but not build – Therefore, not all VHDL code is “synthesizable” D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 27 Altera Quartus Prime • Synthesis tool for this course • Tutorial will be given at first lab, but feel free to get a head start on your own D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 28 VHDL Overview library IEEE ; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all ; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all ; ENTITY comb_logic IS PORT ( a, b : IN std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); p, q : IN std_logic; x : OUT std_logic ; y : OUT std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ); END; ARCHITECTURE Behavior of comb_logic IS Any entities (black boxes) that you want to make use of (call them components) Any intermediate signals BEGIN Simple Boolean/Arithmetic Assignments ‘Process’ statements: More complex behavioral descriptions (often ‘if’ or ‘case’) Instantiated entities and connections END; D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 29 VHDL Design Entity • A Design Entity describes a hardware block – Basic construct for modeling a digital system in VHDL • Interface description (ENTITY) • Describes the inputs and outputs of the block • Like a function declaration • Body (ARCHITECTURE) • Describes what the block does, what it is composed of • (where you specify Structural/Behavioural/RTL) D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 30 XOR Gate in VHDL ENTITY xor_gate IS PORT ( A, B : IN BIT; Z : OUT BIT); END xor_gate; xor_gate A B Z • Declare the interface. (ENTITY) • Only care about what the outside of the block looks like to other hardware blocks. D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 31 XOR Gate in VHDL ARCHITECTURE my_defn OF xor_gate IS BEGIN Z <= A XOR B; END my_defn; A B Z • Define the block. (ARCHITECTURE) • Now we describe what’s inside the entity. D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 32 VHDL ENTITY ENTITY xor_gate IS PORT ( A, B : IN BIT; Z : OUT BIT); END xor_gate; xor_gate A B Z Ports are signals that flow into or out of the design Type information declares a set of legal values for the port. D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 33 VHDL ENTITY • Port modes – IN: signal can only be used as an input (can read, but cannot assign value to it) – OUT: signal can only be used as an output (cannot read, but can assign value to it) – INOUT: signal can be written to or read – BUFFER: signal can be written to and used internally • Types – BIT: 0,1 – BIT_VECTOR: array of BITs – BOOLEAN: FALSE, TRUE – STD_LOGIC, STD_LOGIC_VECTOR – INTEGER – We’ll see more later… D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 34 VHDL ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE my_defn OF xor_gate IS BEGIN Z <= A XOR B; END my_defn; A B Z Architecture name An entity can have multiple architectures Everything in the body is a concurrent statement. D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 35 Port Modes ENTITY bad_Model IS PORT (A, B, C, D : IN BIT; X, Y : OUT BIT); END bad_Model; ARCHITECTURE exa mple OF bad_Model IS BEGIN X <= (A and B) or C; Y <= X nand D; END example; ILLEGAL! D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 36 ENTITY good_Model IS PORT (A, B, C, D : IN BIT; X, Y : OUT BIT); END good_Model; ARCHITECTURE example OF good_Model IS SIGNAL temp : BIT; BEGIN temp <= (A and B) or C; X <= temp; Y <= temp nand D; END example; An internal signal fixes this problem. Ports can also be INOUT. In that case, there are no restrictions D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 37 Packages and Libraries • A package is a collection of: – component declarations – types, subtypes, and constants – procedures and function declarations • A library is a collection of packages. • How to use packages in VHDL: library IEEE ; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all ; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all ; Want to use the library called IEEE. Within the IEEE library, we want these packages D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 39 Combinational Logic in VHDL • We can assign a Boolean statement to any variable – R = (A+B)•C – In architecture body: R <= (A or B) and C; • Variables on the left-hand-side cannot be used on the right-hand side: – R = ((A+R)•(T+C))’(not allowed) • Logic statements are concurrent – Order does not matter • Basic design strategy – Each output has its own logical expression. D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 41 Describe a block with multiple outputs ENTITY comb_block IS PORT ( A,B,C,D : IN BIT; X,Y,Z : OUT BIT); END comb_block; D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 42 Describe a block with multiple outputs ARCHITECTURE my_defn OF comb_block IS BEGIN X <= A and B and C; Y <= C and not D; Z <= A xor B xor D; END my_defn; Remember: These statements are concurrent! D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 43 Design Example: Light Controller • Two light switches in a room controlling one light: x1 x2 D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 44 Design Example: Light Controller • Truth table for light controller: x1 x2 C 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 45 Design Example: Light Controller LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY light IS PORT ( x1, x2 : IN BIT; f : OUT BIT); END light ; ARCHITECTURE LogicFunction OF light IS BEGIN f <= (x1 AND NOT x2) OR (NOT x1 AND x2); END LogicFunction ; D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 46 Internal Signals • Alternate implementation of XOR ENTITY xor_gate IS PORT ( x1,x2 : IN BIT; f : OUT BIT); END xor_gate; ARCHITECTURE alt_defn OF xor_gate IS SIGNAL INT1, INT2 : BIT; BEGIN INT1 <= x1 AND NOT x2; INT2 <= NOT x1 AND x2; f <= INT1 or INT2; END alt_defn; D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 48 Structural Specifications • A hardware design typically consists of composition of smaller circuits – This is called a structural specification • Structural specifications can take on many forms: – ALU (arithmetic logic unit) consists of adders/multipliers. – Multipliers consist of many complex adders – Complex adders consist of many ‘full adders’ – Full adders consist of many gates D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 49 XOR Components • Really simple example – divide XOR into blocks: AND AND OR D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 50 Creating a hierarchical design in VHDL • Define entity and architecture for low-level blocks • Use component declarations in architecture that wishes to instantiate low level blocks. – The VHDL compiler creates a "black box" when compiling current module, connects to actual model later. – Components can also be defined in a library. • You can create your own libraries D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 51 • Define each component Structural XOR ENTITY and_gate IS PORT (A, B : IN BIT; Z : OUT BIT ); END and_gate ; ARCHITECTURE my_def OF and_gate IS BEGIN Z <= A AND B; END my_def ; AND D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 52 Structural XOR ENTITY or_gate IS PORT (A, B : IN BIT; Z : OUT BIT ); END or_gate; ARCHITECTURE my_def OF or_gate IS BEGIN Z <= A OR B; END my_def ; OR D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 53 ENTITY xor_gate IS PORT (x1, x2 : IN BIT; f : OUT BIT ); END xor_gate ; u1 u2 u3 x1_ x2_ INT1 INT2 D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 54 ARCHITECTURE my_def OF or_gate IS COMPONENT or_gate IS PORT (A, B : IN BIT; Z : OUT BIT ); END or_gate; COMPONENT and_gate IS PORT (A, B : IN BIT; Z : OUT BIT ); END and_gate ; SIGNAL INT1, INT2, x1_, x2_ : BIT; BEGIN x1_ <= NOT x1; x2_ <= NOT x2; u1: and_gate PORT MAP(x1, x2_, INT1); u2: and_gate PORT MAP(x2, x1_, INT2); u3: or_gate PORT MAP(INT1, INT2, f); END my_def ; u1 u2 u3 x1_ x2_ INT1 INT2 D. Boland 3/03/2020 ELEC2602 55 How to implement: out1=x1 XOR x2, out2=x1 and not x2?


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