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By May 15, 2020No Comments

CSE 2010, HW6 Due Tue Apr 21 at the start of your lab section; Submit Server: class = cse2010, assignment = hw6SxIndividual Due Tue Apr 21 at the end of your lab section; Submit Server: class = cse2010, assignment = hw6SxGroupHelp === Extra Credit 1 – 3 === Due Tue Apr 28 at the start of your lab section; Submit Server: class = cse2010, assignment = hw6extraSxIndividual Due Tue Apr 28 at the end of your lab section; Submit Server: class = cse2010, assignment = hw6extraSxGroupHelp x is 14, 23, j—section number or j for java submissions. In the subgame of I/O Tower in the game of Tron, the player moves Tron in a maze so that Tron can get to the I/O Tower quickly. To prevent Tron from reaching his goal, grid bugs roam around trying to destroy Tron. How would you design the bugs such that they can reach Tron quickly? HW6 explores graph algorithms to simulate a simpler ver- sion of the Tron game. Given a starting position in a 2D grid world, a player’s goal is to move Tron to reach the I/O Tower without running into a bug. At each step, the player can move Tron up, down, left, or right to an adjacent empty cell. Sim- ilarly, at each step, bugs can move in those four directions to an adjacent cell that is empty or occupied by Tron. For sim- plicity, the bugs move at the same speed as Tron. The game ends when Tron reaches the tower or a bug reaches Tron. The player moves Tron first, then each bug (in alphabeti- cal order) will move. Trying to reach Tron quickly, each bug decides which direction to move based on the shortest path from its cell to Tron’s cell. The distance from one cell to an adjacent cell is 1. For easier debugging and testing, during Breadth-First Search for the path, consider the valid adjacent cells in this order: up, down, left, and right. Each cell can be empty or can have Tron, a bug, or an obstacle. HW6: one round of the first move from Tron and the first move from the bugs. HW6 Extra Credit 1 (via hw6extra1.c) [10 points]: multiple rounds of moves to the end of the game. HW6 Extra Credit 2 (via hw6Extra2.c) [10 points]: Smarter bugs know that Tron is likely to use the shortest path to the I/O Tower so that he can get there quickly. Hence, the bugs would prefer their paths to cross Tron’s shortest path to the I/O Tower. One approach is to increase the “distance” be- tween adjacent cells that are not on Tron’s shortest path. For Extra Credit 2, the distance between two adjacent cells is: • 1 if both cells are on Tron’s shortest path • 2 if one of the two cells is on Tron’s shortest path • 3 if both cells are not on Tron’s shortest path To find the shortest path for a smarter bug, use Dijkstra’s algorithm. One round of the first move from the player and the first move from the bugs. HW6 Extra Credit 3 (via hw6extra3.c) [10 points]: same as Extra Credit 2, but multiple rounds of moves to the end of the game. Input: Command-line argument for hw6.c is a filename of the 2D grid world—the first line has number of rows and columns of the world, the following lines have the initial world represented by these characters: • T represents Tron • I represents the I/O Tower • a, b, c, d, … represent bugs • # represents a stationary obstacle • a space represents empty During the game, via the keyboard, the player can input u, d, l, and r to indicate moving up, down, left, and right to an adjacent cell. If the input is invalid (incorrect letter or the adjacent cell is not empty), prompt the player to re-enter. Output: Output goes to the standard output (screen): 1. the world with row numbers on the top and column num- bers on the left 2. Please enter your move [u(p), d(own), l(elf), or r(ight)]: 3. the world with row numbers on the top and column num- bers on the left 4. For each bug (in alphabetical order), display its move (u/d/l/r), length of its shortest path to Tron, and cells on the shortest path starting with the bug cell before the move and ends with Tron’s cell: Bug a: move shortestPathLength (row1,col1) (row2,col2) … … Bug b: move shortestPathLength (row1,col1) (row2,col2) … Row 0 is at the top and column 0 is on the left. Sample output (with player keyboard input) is on the course website. For extra credit, the program repeatedly displays the output above and terminates after: 1. Tron reaches I/O Tower: the program displays the final world and “Tron reaches I/O Tower”, or 2. one of the bugs at Tron’s cell: the program displays the final world and “A bug is not hungry any more!” Sample input files and output are on the course website. Submission: Submit hw6.c that has the main method and other program files. Submissions for Individual and GroupHelp have the same guidelines as HW1. For extra Credit 1, 2, and/or 3, submit hw6extra1.c, hw6extra2.c, and/or hw6extra3.c that have/has the main method and other program files. GroupHelp and late sub- missions are not applicable. Note the late penalty on the syllabus if you submit after the due date and time as specified at the top of the assignment. 1


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