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辅导案例-ICT50715 IT

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ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 1 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 IT Communications & Business CODE ACTIVITY TRAINING PACKAGE Information and Communications Technology TRAINING PACKAGE CODE ICT QUALIFICATION NAME Diploma in Software Development QUALIFICATION CODE ICT50715 SUBJECT/CLUSTER Software Development Project COMPETENCY CODE(S) & TITLE(S) ICTPRG523 Apply advanced programming skills in another language ICTPRG501 Apply advanced object-oriented language skills ICTPRG503 Debug and monitor applications ICTPRG504 Deploy an application to a production environment ICTPRG529 Apply testing techniques for software development ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT Code Activity – Task based exercise ASSESSMENT METHOD Report Observation CODE R1, O1 TOPICS/ELEMENTS ASSESSED ICTPRG523 – 1.1 -1.2, 2.1 -2.4, 3.1 – 3.2, 4.1 – 4.3, 5.1 -5.2, 6.1 – 6.3, 7.1 – 7.3, 8.1 – 8.2, KE 1 – 5 ICAPRG501A- 1.1 – 1.4, 2.1 – 2.3, 3.1 – 3.4, 4.1 – 4.3, 5.1 – 5.3, 6.1 – 6.4, KE 1 – 5 ICAPRG503A – 1.1 – 1.3,2.1 – 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, KE 1 – 5 ICAPRG504A – 1.1 – 1.4, 2.1 – 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 5.1 – 5.3, KE 1 – 4 ICAPRG529A – 1.1 – 1.5, KE 1 – 5 ASSESSMENT VALUE Competency ONLY TEACHER(S) NAME: DATE DUE: WEEK: 4 STUDENT ID NUMBER: DATE SUBMITTED: STUDENT NAME: STUDENT DECLARATION: I hereby certify that: 1. This assessment is my own work. 2. I have not plagiarised the work of others in any form. 3. I have not allowed or enabled others to copy from my work. 4. I will not submit substantially the same work to meet the requirements of any other competency/cluster without the express permission in writing of the teachers involved. Student’s signature: ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 2 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 Please Upload signed Cover Sheet to Moodle with the completed Activity Instructions for completion of Coding Activity – Theory Section 1. Create a word document CodeActivity and answer the questions in this document. You MUST include all references for each question. THEORY SECTION Question 1 Describe three different programming languages. Question 2 Describe two different languages that are used in a GUI environment. Question 3 What is a third-party library in programming? Give an example of one Question 4 Give a brief outline of the process required to develop: (i) A small size application (ii) A large scale application Question 5 Outline the software development lifecycle. Question 6 Describe a database management system. Question 7 What is meant by a “framework” when developing web-enabled applications? Question 8 What is the purpose and give an example for Java of a: (i) Profiling tool (ii) Logging tool (iii) Tracing tool Question 9 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of three sorting algorithms. Question 10 Briefly summarize the techniques for implementing inter-process communication. (eg. sockets) ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 3 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 PRACTICAL SECTION Instructions for completion of Coding Activity – Practical Section 1. Answer any non-programming problems in the word document you created in the Theory Section (CodeActivity) This document needs to be uploaded to Moodle on completion. 2. Create a new project for each of your programming questions. 3. You are to complete the programs exactly as specified following standard coding conventions using Eclipse. This includes: • Naming conventions • Indenting • Good coding technique • Commenting your code 4. Demonstrate the working programs to your instructor and upload source files to Moodle (can be zipped with the other files you need to upload) Question 1 Create a new Java project Debug and create new Package com.test Download the file from Moodle. Extract the two files: and Copy the two files into your project. The program creates an array of 5 circle objects with a randomly generated radius under 10. The area and the sum of the areas is calculated and displayed. Below is an example of the output from the working program (Remember the radius is random and will be different each run) (2 syntax and 3 logic errors exists in the code) contains no errors but the has 5 errors that need fixing. ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 4 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 Using a combination of debugging strategies fix the program and complete Parts a, b & c This includes: • using breakpoints • stepping through the code • debugging print statements. The source code has been included in Appendix A Question 1a Demonstrate using the Eclipse Debugger to your instructor and when complete demonstrate the working program to your instructor Question 1b In the word document you created for the Theory Section complete the following table. Line No Error found Existing code Fixed code Question 1c In the same word document include a screen capture of your use of the debugging tool. Question 2 Create a new Java project Deploy and create new Package com.test Download the file from Moodle. Extract the files:, TTT_icon.ico and Licence.txt Copy into your project (check the game runs) Place all the files created in this section in one folder – as you will need to upload these to Moodle. Question 2a Using Eclipse create an executable JAR file from Question 2b Using Launch4J create an executable file from the JAR file created in Question 2a. Use the icon provided as the icon ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 5 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 Question 2c Using Inno Setup Compiler now create an installation file. Use the same icon as Question 2b and use the Licence.txt file for the licensing agreement. Make sure you include an uninstall file as well. Question 2d Using the installation file created in Question 2c demonstrate to your instructor the software being installed. Then demonstrate to you instructor uninstalling the software. Question 3 Create a new Java project Logging and create new Package com.test Write a program that asks the user to enter their name and then displays “Hello “to the console. Add some logging statements to the program using a logging framework that allows you to write the logging messages to a log file. You must include 1 info message, 1 warning message and 1 error message. Demonstrate the working program and log file to your instructor Question 4 Create a new Java project Monitor and create new Package com.test Copy the test application (multiclient server and client) from Moodle and copy into your project. Setup an application profiling tool and run the program with the profiling tool and create and analyse the results. Take a screen capture of the Monitor tab Demonstrate the working program and profiling tool to your instructor. Add the screen capture to the word document from the Theory Section. ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 6 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review Decemb
er 2018 Question 5 Given the following UML class diagram create the class Customer and PreferredCustomer Each class needs a constructor that passes values to set all fields. Question 5a Write a test program that creates two PreferredCustomer objects. The first object is created using the default constructor and asks the user to enter the PreferredCustomer’s details and then uses the sets to set the values in the object. Display the details using the toString() method. The second object is created by the constructor using the data 101, 124.55, 7.5 Display the details using the get methods. Question 5b Comment both your classes using Javadoc notation and generate the Javadoc documentation. Submit the source code and the HTML file. Customer #idNum int #balanceOwed double +getIdNum() +setIdNum() +getBalanceOwed +setBalanceOwed +toString() PreferredCustomer -discountRate double +getDiscountRate() +setDiscountRate() +toString() ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 7 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 Question 6 Create a class named Country that holds the following fields: A String for the name of the country, an integer for the population, a String for the language spoken and one City object that hold data about the capitol city of the country. The Country constructor requires 5 parameters that represent the names and populations of the Country and its capital city and the language spoken. Provide a toString() method for display. Create the City class to be a nonstatic, private inner class within the Country class. The City class contains a city’s name and population. Create a test class TestCountry that asks the user to enter the name, population of a country, language spoken and the name and population of its capitol city for 3 countries. The three country objects are to be stored in array of country objects. Use a for loop to fill the array and also use a for loop to display the array using the toString() method Question 7 Write a program that asks the user to enter 5 integers and stores them in a LinkedList. The program then displays the LinkedList and then sorts the LinkedList using the Collections sort utility and displays the sorted LinkedList. Next remove the largest number from the list (the last one) and display the list again. The program is to ask the user for a number to search for and use the Collections binarySearch utility to either return the position of the number or “number not found” message Question 8 Write a program that creates two sets (Hashset implementation) The first set should the numbers 1 to 10 stored in it (use a loop) and the second set the even numbers between 1 to 10 (again use a loop). Write a method totalElements() that accepts two sets as its arguments and uses the union operation to return the size of the two sets combined.(ie their union) Write a method overlap() that accepts two sets as its arguments and uses the intersection operation to return the set of numbers in common between the two sets. Display the size of the union of the two sets and the set of numbers in the intersection of the two sets. ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 8 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 Question 9 Using the methods, and, provided in class write a test class that creates a binary search tree that adds the following key- value pairs to the tree and then displays a pre-order traversal, in-order traversal and a post-order traversal and searches for the node with the key of 7. 5 Fremantle 2 Geelong 3 Bulldogs 6 Sydney 8 Kangaroos 7 Richmond 1 Collingwood 4 St Kilda Question 10 Write a program that asks the user to enter 10 decimal numbers using a loop. These numbers are to be stored in an array. Using either insertion sort, selection sort or bubble sort write a method to sort the array. Display the unsorted array and then the sorted array Question 11 Install WindowBuilder (Third party GUI library) into the Eclipse IDE Write a program with a GUI using Swing and WindowBuilder. The interface should have the following components (you can change the layout to whatever you think works best – using layout managers) When you click on the button the credit limit should appear in at the bottom of the frame. The decision is based on: Between $500 and $1000 you get a credit limit of $5000. If your earnings are over $1000 you get a credit limit of $10000. (under $500 you cannot get a credit card) If you are a Gold customer then you credit limits are increased by 20%. ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 9 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 Question 12 Write a program with a GUI that has three labels Red, Blue, Green. The User should be able to drag the correct colour for the Sky onto the Sky label and change the colour of the label. (You can use absolute positioning for this question) Question 13 Write a program with a GUI that uses the Graphic2D class. You need to produce the following Question 14 Make sure Apache Tomcat is installed in Eclipse and create the following Java web application Make a JSP file that has the following interface (using a form) When you click the submit button you get (by creating a servlet) The font is Verdana, bold 20 point (and RED) and its location is 20, 20 The frame size is 150 x 180 and the starting co-ordinates for the triangle are 60, 40 You will need to research, using the internet, how to use the method drawPolygon() Include in your comments the site that you found the information ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 10 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 Question 15 In the “Work Hard” Company, contractors are employed on flexible contracts. A contractor can be employed on the following basis: 1. Variable number of months 2. Variable number of days per month 3. Variable pay rate per hour 4. Variable number of hours per day Each contractor’s entire pay for the contract is determined by the following formula: Pay = no_months x days_per_month x hours_per_day x pay_rate The company needs a Java Server-Client application programs to process the contractor’s final pay. 1. The Client Java program will allow the employee to enter values for 1, 2, 3 and 4 as shown above as data for their final pay result. The client program will send these to server program for processing. 2. The Server Java program will determine the employee’s pay and send it back to the employee’s client program for display The Server Java Program: The code must: • follow specifications • have internal documentation • follow coding conventions ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 11 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 The Client Java Program: The Calculate Pay button should send the data to the Server. The Clear button should clear the data entry fields but NOT the data received from the Server The Help button should pop up a dialog box with simple help instructions for the application Exit button should close down both Server and client. 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8 Question 16 You need to test the application developed in Question 15 You need to first determine if the client/server system meets the requirements for installation (this can be done be completing a test run) You then need to check that the application meets the specifications. Complete the following table in the word document created in the Theory Section: Specification Yes No Meets requirements for installation Then you need to determine that the application runs correctly. Complete the following table in the word document created in the Theory Section: Test Data Expected Result Actual Result ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 13 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 Appendix A ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 14 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018 Appendix A ASSESSMENT Centre of Electronics, Engineering and Technology ICT50715 IT Communications & Business Page 15 of 15 Updated by MG on 24/04/2018 Software Development Project – ©Chisholm Institute of TAFE Review December 2018


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