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By May 15, 2020No Comments

INFS1200 Sem 2 2019 Assignment Schema For Implementation Account [ username, firstName, middleName, lastName, email, dateOfBirth, registrationDate, subscriptionTier] Standard [ username ] Premium [ username ] PremiumFriend [ username, friendUsername ] Playlist [ username, playlistName ] PlaylistProduct [ username, playlistName, code ] Watches [ username, code, timestampStopped ] Product [ code, synopsis, title ] ProductSubtitleOptions [ code, subtitleLanguage ] ProductAudioOptions [ code, audioLanguage ] ProductTags [ code, tag ] Movie [ code, dateOfRelease, runtime, sequelCode] TVShow [ code ] Episode [ code, seasonNumber, episodeNumber, dateOfRelease, runtime ] Acts [ code, id ] ActsRoles [ code, id, roleName ] CastMember [ id, nationality, firstName, middleName, lastName ] Standard.username references Account.username Premium.username references Account.username PremiumFriend.username references Premium.username PremiumFriend.friendUsername references Premium.username Playlist.username references Premium.username PlaylistProduct.{username, playlistName} references Playlist.{username, playlistName} PlaylistProduct.code references Product.code Watches.username references Account.username Watches.code references Product.code ProductSubtitleOptions.code references Product.code ProductAudioOptions.code references Product.code ProductTags.code references Product.code Movie.code references Product.code Movie.sequelCode references Movie.code TVShow.code references Product.code Episode.code references TVShow.code Acts.code references Product.code references ActsRoles.{code, id} references Acts.{code, id} Reminder – Part 2 is to be done INDIVIDUALLY by each student Due date: 18 October 2019 @ 5pm Additional descriptions for selected attributes have been provided below: ATTRIBUTE NAME DESCRIPTION Account.subscriptionTier Account subscription tier can be: ‘standard’ or ‘premium’ PlaylistProduct.code Product ID Watches.code Product ID Product.code Product ID ProductSubtitleOptions.code Product ID ProductAudioOptions.code Product ID ProductTag.code Product ID ProductTag.tags Product genres, e.g. action, horror, etc. Movie.code Product ID Movie.runtime Movie runtime refers to duration it is screened for Movie.sequelCode Product ID TVShow.code Product ID Episode.code Product ID Episode.runtime Episode runtime refers to duration it is aired for Acts.code Product ID Cast member ID ActsRoles.code Product ID Cast member ID ActsRoles.role Cast member role, e.g. Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, James Bond, etc. Cast member ID CastMember.nationality Cast member nationality, e.g. Australian, etc.


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