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By May 15, 2020No Comments

ECS735P/U Semantic Web: 2020 Alternative Assessment Description The goal of this assessment is to put into practice the OWL ontology modelling, Description Logic (DL) and SWRL skills that you have learnt in the Semantic Web lectures in a larger project. Your task is to define an A-Box and a T-Box on a topic of your choice. The T-Box must be created using Protégé and should be your own work (not an existing ontology). You are required to use Description Logic rules to define as many concepts as possible with the help of SWRL rules in order to compensate for the limitations of the Protégé inference engines with DL. The A-Box (individuals) must be created in a way to demonstrate the correctness and effectiveness of the logic rules defined. The marking criteria is as follows: A-Box, T-Box and Logic Rules 80% Requirement Mark Correctly working (inferencing) ontology file with one of the reasoners provided with Protégé (I recommend Pellet as it is the only reasoner that supports SWRL built-ins) 10% Logical use of concepts and sub concepts (classes and subclasses in OWL) 5% Correct and effective use of object properties (including constraints and characteristics such as functional, transitive and irreflexive) 20% Correct and effective use of data properties 5% Logical and correct use Description logic to define concepts 20% Use of SWRL rules (use of object, data properties and SWRL built-ins) 15% A correct A-Box with a sufficient number of individuals to use with the defined logic rules (expecting majority of the relations defined by the data properties and concepts to be inferred by the engine, not hard coded) 5% You are also expected to submit a report explaining your assignment. If you fail to submit a report with your ontology file, you might receive 0% as it is the only way of proving the work is yours. Report 20% Requirement Mark Introduction (introduce your T-Box and how you come up with it) and explain all primitive concepts and the reasons why they are primitive classes 4% Explain each defined concept in detail explaining the logic behind it (DL or SWRL rules) 4% Explanation of each object property and logic rule associated with them (including SWRL rules) and if you have properties declared without a subproperty (chain) or a SWRL rule, explain why they are declared in this way. 4% Discuss the individuals you created including the asserted relations (why they were asserted) and inferred relations between these individuals 4% Discussion on the issues you had (rules, data properties, object properties etc.) and how you solved or failed to solve these issues 4% The deadline for the assessment is 17th May 2020 at 5pm. Please submit a zip file including your ontology and your report using the submission link on QMplus.


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