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辅导案例-FIT1049-Assignment 1

By August 23, 2020No Comments

Page 1 of 3 FIT1049 Assignment 1: Understanding the IT role and profession INTRODUCTION This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to research a particular professional role of interest to you, where you would be able to use the IT expertise you gain at university. By completing this assignment, you will have a realistic understanding of the role of your choice, the current industry landscape surrounding the role you chose, and the attributes and/or skills you would typically need in order to be employable and successful in the role. It may also be useful to note that a very similar research process, if not the same, will ensue when you are looking for a job in a specific field, although that will likely focus on a particular organisation whose job you are applying for. On completion of this assignment, you will be demonstrating the unit’s Learning Outcomes 1, 3 and 5: 1. Describe a variety of roles for IT professional and the personal, social, ethical and legal impacts arising from their work; 3. Effectively participate in a range of two way oral and written communication forms using appropriate intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills and technologies; 5. Gather information, critically evaluate the material and use correct citation techniques when writing the material into an appropriate format. INSTRUCTIONS To get started, choose a particular professional role of your interest, in which you would be able to use the IT expertise you have gained at university. For example, you could choose: ● a more ‘traditional’ IT role, such as Business Analyst, Software Developer, IT Security Consultant, or Game Developer; ● a role that is not always explicitly associated with IT, such as Industrial Designer, Police Officer, or Astrophysicist; ● a role within a particular industry/field of practice, such as ‘Data Scientist in Finance’ or ‘Forensic IT Specialist in Law Enforcement’. Please consult your Tutor on role selection. Once you and your tutor agree on the role, you will conduct research on: ● The role: What do the role’s typical duties and responsibilities include? What kind of qualifications/accreditations would one need for this role? Who are the typical and/or common employers? ● The industry and profession: What makes the role relevant in the contemporary industry landscape? How has the role evolved recently, and in which direction is it predicted to further evolve in future? What would a common career progression for the role be? ● Required skills and attributes: What kind of skills and/or attributes would you typically need in order to be employable and successful in the role (including the required IT-specific skills, and also general or non-technical skills if relevant), and why? The tutorial activities in Week 3 will guide you through a systematic research process, with which you can address these questions consistently and comprehensively. Based on the research you conducted in Week 3, you will then be communicating the outcomes in two formats, that are: Part A: written report – 10% Part B: five-minute virtual presentation – 10% TOTAL: 20% Details of submission methods are provided below under their respective sections. Page 2 of 3 Part A – Written report Due Date: Sunday the 30th August 2020 (i.e. the end of Week 4) Task: Based on all of the research you have conducted, document your research outcomes in a report format. As we will discuss in the Week 3 tutorial, your research (and hence the report) will need to be based on a balanced and well- curated selection of sources, for which you will be required to conduct a thorough analysis of the sources you have gathered. Furthermore, your report must include the APA style of citation and referencing, with a list of references at the end. Your report must be no longer than three pages (excluding a list of references, however). As a guideline, your report is expected to cover: ● a brief description of the role of your choice; ● a balanced overview of the current industry landscape surrounding the role you chose; and ● an overview of the attributes and/or skills you would typically need in order to be employable and successful in the role (including the required IT-specific skills, and also general or non-technical skills if relevant) You will also be provided with more detailed instructions on how to format a report in the Week 3 virtual tutorial, but you may also refer to this resource. Submission method: Your report must be submitted online via Moodle as either as a PDF or Word document, which would allow your tutor to add their feedback in the same document. Penalties of 10% off per day apply for late submission. Criteria for assessment: Your worksheet will be assessed based on the criteria below, and the marking sheet is designed to reflect these criteria. It is recommended that you use the ‘Assignment 1 Part A: Written Report Assessment Sheet’ available below in this sheet as a guide to ensure you have addressed all the criteria prior to submission. 1. Depth of analysis of the chosen IT related role and its sources 2. Extent of research done 3. Quality of writing (including spelling and grammar) 4. Appropriate citation of sources using APA referencing style Part B – Virtual Presentation Due date: Tutorial class, Week 6 (unless otherwise scheduled) Task: Your task is to give a 5 minute virtual presentation. The purpose of the presentation is to share the findings from your research with your Tutor and a Lead Tutor. Your presentation must be supported by a visual presentation tool. While you may use any presentation tool (such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote or Prezi), it is your responsibility to check that the tool you choose will function with the Zoom platform. You must also activate your video stream to provide a ‘self-view’, which will allow the audience to observe your non-verbal communications skills during the presentation. As a guideline, your presentation should include: ● an introduction to the presentation; ● a brief description of the role of your choice, and its context; ● a balanced overview of the current industry landscape surrounding the role you chose; ● an overview of the attributes and/or skills you would typically need in order to be employable and successful in the role; and ● a conclusion to the presentation. Page 3 of 3 Submission method: To be presented during the tutorial in Week 6 via Zoom to your Group Tutor and a Lead Tutor. You will need to submit slides or any visual aids to Moodle prior to your tutorial start time. Criteria for assessment: Your presentation will be assessed based on the criteria below, and the marking sheet is designed to reflect these criteria. It is recommended that you practise your presentation beforehand, and that you use the ‘Assignment 1 Part B: Oral Presentation Assessment Sheet’ available at the end of this document. 1. Selection and organisation of content 2. Voice and use of language 3. Non-verbal communication 4. Quality of visual aids (including appropriate citation of sources using APA referencing style) 5. Timing FIT1049 Assignment 1 Part A: Written Report Marking Sheet Student Name Student ID Criteria Qualitative Assessment (see the legends below) Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory Extent of research (15) The overall selection of the sources is well balanced, comprehensive and purposeful. The overall selection of the sources is well balanced and comprehensive, but not purposeful. The overall selection of the sources is well balanced, but neither comprehensive nor purposeful. The overall selection of the sources is skewed and unjustified, however still representative of the role and the industry chosen. The overall selection of the sources is skewed and/or not r
epresentative of the role and the industry chosen. Depth of analysis (15) There is an original and purposeful narrative that is consistently supported by the critical use of the sources cited, as well as by the persuasive and cohesive argumentation. There is an original and consistent narrative that is supported mostly by the critical use of the sources cited, as well as by the consistently cohesive argumentation. There is an original and consistent narrative that is supported generally by the use of the sources cited, as well as by the generally cohesive argumentation. There is an implicit (or vague) yet original narrative that is supported generally by the use of the sources cited, as well as by the generally or partially cohesive argumentation. The report does not have a consistent or cohesive narrative, and may resemble juxtaposition of facts and/or information. It may also lack cohesive argumentation. Quality of writing – format (5) The writing is purposefully and effectively formatted and written as a report with necessary structural elements as appropriate (such as title, author’s name, date and headings). The writing is effectively formatted and written as a report with necessary structural elements as appropriate (such as title, author’s name, date and headings). The writing is generally formatted and written as a report with necessary structural elements as appropriate (such as title, author’s name, date and headings) though there may be some minor inconsistencies at times in the format and/or minor omission of structural elements. The writing demonstrates an effort to have it formatted and written as a report with some necessary structural elements (such as title, author’s name, date and headings), but there are inconsistencies that compromise the overall format and readability. The writing is not formatted and written as a report. Quality of writing – language (5) The language and expressions used are consistently professional and articulate, and there are no grammatical or typographical errors in the writing. The language and expressions used are generally professional and articulate, but there may be a few grammatical or typographical errors in the writing. The language and expressions used could be more professional and/or articulate at times, and there may be a few grammatical or typographical errors in the writing. Though still comprehensible, the language and expressions used are not professional and/or articulate at times, and there may be a few grammatical or typographical errors in the writing. The language and expressions used are not professional and articulate overall, and it may not be comprehensible at times. There may also be many grammatical or typographical errors in the writing. Appropriate citation of sources using APA referencing style (10) The writing also includes both citing and referencing following the APA style. The writing also includes both citing and referencing following the APA style. The writing also includes both citing and referencing following the APA style. The writing also includes both citing and referencing following the APA style. The writing also does not include either/both citing or/and referencing following the APA style. Comments: Total (out of 50): Legend: Unsatisfactory: This element was either missing or lacking key information/performance for your audience at the expected standard. Needs development: While this was partially addressed, it was below the expected standard. Satisfactory: This was achieved at an average standard. Meeting aspirations: A high standard of information/performance for your audience. Exemplary: An outstanding level of information/performance. FIT1049 Assignment 1 Part B: Virtual Presentation Marking Sheet Student Name Student ID Criteria Aspect Qualitative Assessment (see the legends below) 1. Content, structure and narrative [10] Introduction Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory/ none Conclusion Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory/ none Overall coherency and flow Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory Clarity of explanations and arguments Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory Relevant material included Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory 2. Voice and language [10] Voice projection, intonation and speed Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory ◻ Too loud ◻ Too soft ◻ Unclear ◻ Flat ◻ Inconsistent ◻ Raised intonation ◻ Too fast ◻ Fast at times ◻ Too slow ◻ Slow at times Language and mannerisms Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory ◻ Repeating words or phrases (incl. um / yeah / like etc.) ◻ Too informal ◻ Too formal ◻ Inconsistent use of formality ◻ Inconsistent/incomplete use of language◻ Too much jargon ◻ Misuse of words/grammatical errors 3. Non-verbal communication [10] Use of hands, body gestures and eye contact Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory ◻ Too much use of hands/body gestures (i.e. too busy) ◻ Not much (or no) use of hands/body gestures (i.e. too static) ◻ Undeliberate habit(s) affecting the delivery (e.g. rocking) ◻ Ineffective (or no) eye contact with viewers through your device camera ◻ Ineffective use of notes/slides Engagement and proxemics Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory ◻ Moving too much ◻ Too static ◻ Not positioning well within the video frame 4. Visual aids [10] Visual design Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory ◻ Visually inconsistent ◻ Too much text ◻ Visually inaccessible (e.g. small text, inappropriate colour scheme) ◻ Compositionally complex/visually too busy ◻ Stylistically inconsistent with the delivery style ◻ Image(s) not cited ◻ Images too informal/inappropriate Contents Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory ◻ Structure either too weak or too complex ◻ Links from one topic to another could be smoother ◻ Contents of each of the slides not fully explained ◻ Irrelevant information/details obscuring the narrative ◻ Sources not cited/reference list absent 5. Overall [10] Timing Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory ◻Too short ◻ Overtime ◻ Mistimed Overall impression Exemplary Meeting aspirations Satisfactory Needs development Unsatisfactory Comments: Total Mark: /50 Legends: Unsatisfactory: This element was either missing or lacking key information/performance for your audience at the expected standard. Needs development: While this was partially addressed, it was below the expected standard. Satisfactory: This was achieved at an average standard. Meeting aspirations: A high standard of information/performance for your audience. Exemplary: An outstanding level of information/performance.


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