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By January 13, 2021No Comments

EPRO1004 – 202003 Home-based Programming Assignment Instructions (Read Carefully): 1. This is an open book programming assignment. You are allowed to use online resources to assist in this assignment; 2. This is an individual assignment and no collusion with other students of any kind is allowed; 3. Your program has to work. That means it has to compile correctly, run according to specifications, and give correct results. The submitted assignment must also meet the following criteria:  Good design, including good pseudo code, logic diagrams and algorithms 4. You must observe good programming practices, including comment, documentation, and readability of your program; 5. To facilitate program readability, you must include function calls in your program whenever possible; 6. All names of constants, types, variables, functions, etc. must be “self- documenting” and “self-describing.” For example, you should name a variable total if it is used to store a total. Give a function a name like printList if its job is to print a list; 7. This home-based programming assignment constitutes 40% of the overall final mark of the EPRO1004 unit. 8. Final submission deadline is 23:00, 24th January. The instructions on how to submit your file will be provided by your Unit Coordinator as soon as possible. Page 1 of 6 3 December 2020 V1 Calculating the flow in a rectangular channel for a variety of construction materials and slopes Background The design of a rectangular channel must take into account a range of factors. For example, if you use the Manning formula, which this assignment will be, width, depth, slope of the actual channel and the material of construction are what you have to take into account. An example of an open channel can be seen in Figure 1. In the picture shown, this channel is taking water through an orchard. This assignment is limited to a rectangular channel shape and flows will be calculated using the Manning Equation1. Manning is a relatively simple equation with the required parameters illustrated in Figures 2 & 3. The formula gives you the velocity of the flow, which if in turn is multiplied by the channel cross sectional area will give you the flow rate. 1 Page 2 of 6 3 December 2020 Figure 1: An open channel in north western Victoria Figure 2: Channel cross section Figure 3: Channel longitudinal V1 Manning Equation velocity=(1 n )Rh 0.67 S0.5 where Rh=Hydraulic Radius= A P where A=area=b×y P=wetted perimeter=b+2 y and S=bed slope= rise run and n=Manning roughness factor 2 Now to get the flow rate, the calculated velocity is simply multiplied by the area, the same area as calculated for Rh. flow rate=(b×y)×((1n )Rh0.67 S0.5) All units are metres, seconds, kilograms Requirements This assignment will involve writing a simple application that will calculate the flow capacity of a simple rectangular channel using a combination of slopes and materials of construction. The app will ask the user for the geometry of the channel as shown in the above figures. Taking these values in conjunction with material roughness factors, which will be retrieved from a text file, a matrix of material roughness Vs incrementing bed slopes will be produced. The body of the matrix will contain the flow rates. The matrix will be output to both the screen and a file. The bed slope will initially be input by the user, using rise and run, but will then be incremented by a factor of 0.05 four additional times and the flow calculated for each slope value. 2 Page 3 of 6 3 December 2020 V1 For example, as can be seen in Figure 4, the first material of construction is Asphalt. The channel has an initial bed slope of 0.01 and for this pair a flow rate is calculated. The slope is then incremented by 0.05, 0.06, the flow calculated again, the slope incremented by 0.05, 0.11, flow calculated and so on. This is repeated for each of the five materials that are in the parameter file. n.b. Figure 4 is only an example. The app must be able to handle different materials and different slopes, providing the correct flow rates. Page 4 of 6 3 December 2020 Figure 4: Example App output V1 P rogramming Tasks Your task is to develop a working C program that will: • Automatically open a data file that contains the Manning roughness values. There should be five entries, one per line, in this file. Each line will consist of a name for the material and the associated roughness. The name of the file is up to the developer but should reflect the contents of the file. • Open then read the data file. If the file is not found, appropriate action should be taken. • Ask the user for the appropriate geometric values, channel width & depth, rise and run. There should be range checking on the depth only. The user must enter a positive number. • Draw a shape, using stars and dashes that gives an indication of the size of the channel. Refer to Figure 4. In this example, you will see that the input width is 12m hence there are 12 stars between the walls. The depth is 10m hence there are 10 stars from the base to the water surface. The water surface consists of stars and dashes. There should be one star above the water surface. The dimensions of the channel should also be labelled approximately as shown in the figure. Obviously the size & shape will change depending upon the entered channel dimensions. • A table should be created that has the slope as the X axis and the materials as the Y axis, refer to the bottom section of Figure 4. None of the information in the table shall be hard coded – it should all be either read from the data file or calculated. If the name of a material is changed in the file, the entry in the Y axis will change. If the initial slope is changed, due to different data entry, then the slope values will also change. The flow rates will to be calculated for each material/slope pair. • The channel shape and the results table will need to be written to both the screen and a text file. The text file shall be named theAdventuresOfZorro.txt. The opening of the results file must be checked to ensure it is successful. If not successful, an error message output and appropriate action taken. You should demonstrate good programming practise, making use of functions and return values. As files are being opened, care should be taken to ensure the opening has actually succeeded. Magic Numbers should not be used. The code should be well laid out and consistent in format. Variable names are expected to provide an indication of their purpose. What you have to submit 1. The pseudo code and flow charts documenting the design of the program. Lecture 4 will give you guidance on this topic. NO C CODE IS WRITTEN AT THIS STAGE. This should be submitted as a pdf named design.pdf (20%); 2. The testing document. This will provide hand calculations to show that the calculations in the app are correct. It should also indicate what happens when erroneous data is entered. For example what happens if not all of the data file is present or a value is negative. This will be called testing.pdf (20%); 3. Well-documented, syntax-free and correctly-compiling C source code. This should include, within the comments at the top of the source file, what an example data file looks like. It should be possible to extract this information, using a text editor, to Page 5 of 6 3 December 2020 V1 create a data file that allows the app to run. You will be submitting a single file, not some directory structure generated by an IDE. Name this file program.c (50%); 4. A compliance/summary document. This is the developer showing that the app produces results that match with the testing document. Also if there are any conditions when the app is run. This will be called comply.pdf (10%). Submission Guideline: Submission will be through Moodle. Submission will be in three parts on three different dates. Item Date Design document, design.pdf 23:00, Sunday 20th of December Testing Document, testing.pdf 23:00, Sunday 10th of January Code & compl
iance, program.c & comply.pdf 23:00, Sunday 24th of January More information will be provided closer to the day. Page 6 of 6 3 December 2020 V1 Appendix Marking Rubric for Programming Criteria Exceptional (>=80%) Acceptable (between 65% and 79%) Amateur (between 50% and 64%) Unsatisfactory (<50%) Specifications The program works and meets all of the specifications. The program works and produces the correct results and displays them correctly. It also meets most of the other specifications. The program produces correct results but does not display them correctly. The program is producing incorrect results. Readability The code is exceptionally well organized and very easy to follow. The code is fairly easy to read. The code is readable only by someone who knows what it is supposed to be doing. The code is poorly organized and very difficult to read Reusability The code could be reused as a whole or each routine could be reused. Most of the code could be reused in other programs. Some parts of the code could be reused in other programs. The code is not organized for reusability. Documentatio n The documentation is well written and clearly explains what the code is accomplishing and how. The documentation consists of embedded comment and some simple header documentation that is somewhat useful in understanding the code. The documentation is simply comments embedded in the code with some simple header comments separating routines. The documentation is simply comments embedded in the code and does not help the reader understand the code. Delivery The program was delivered on time. The program was delivered within a week of the due date. The code was within 2 weeks of the due date. The code was more than 2 weeks overdue. Efficiency The code is extremely efficient without sacrificing readability and understanding. The code is fairly efficient without sacrificing readability and understanding. The code is brute force and unnecessarily long. The code is huge and appears to be patched together. Source Computer-Programming-Grading-Rubric---California-State-University-Long-Beach.pdf Marking Rubric for Pseudocode design Page 7 of 6 3 December 2020 V1 Criteria Exceptional (>=80%) Acceptable (between 65% and 79%) Amateur (between 50% and 64%) Unsatisfactory (<50%) Algorithm Complete working algorithm created with strong supporting understanding of the domain area. Incomplete nearly working algorithm created with strong supporting understanding of the domain area. Incomplete non working algorithm created with incomplete supporting understanding of the domain area. No working algorithm created or no supporting understanding of the domain area. Readability Pseudocode is very clear, understandable, readable, and organised into as few steps necessary as possible. Pseudocode is clear, understandable, and the code is organised into steps, though there may be a few extra steps. Pseudocode is somewhat understandable, but very little of the code is organised logically. Pseudocode is difficult to understand and is unorganised. Ability to convert to a program The code can be easily converted into a program. The code can be converted into a program. The code can be converted into a program only with much difficulty. Code cannot be converted into a program. Source Page 8 of 6 3 December 2020 V1 欢迎咨询51作业君


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