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辅导案例-G 1 1

By May 15, 2020No Comments

HD·EDUCATION E N G G 1 1 1 1 T h r e s h o l d E x a m Tu t o r : T i a n n a H D · E D U C AT I O N 关于HD·EDU HD · EDUCATION是由数位悉尼大学学生创办于2014年3月的学习辅导咨询平台,创办伊始秉承着 “立足于学生” 的 理念,从学生的角度出发,量身制定符合他们需求的课程,一直是我们的不懈追求。 至今,我们的教师团队已达500人,业务范围从新西兰,澳大利亚的USYD,UNSW,MOU,ANU,UMEL,UOA 再到美国的MU,OSU,UCS等二十余所高校,拥揽众多优秀人才,已为数万学生提供了优质的学习辅导服务,在 业内享誉口碑。 HD·EDU重视的 课后,如果您有任何建议和意见,我们都非常欢迎您联 系客服分享您的想法,给予我们改进和提高的机会! 感谢您参与HD Program的辅导课程! 有任何关于课程的疑问或建议 都可以扫码找小助手反馈吖 H D · E D U C A T I O N Threshold Exam (20%) Date: Monday 28th October Time: 3PM or 4PM Location: ABS Lecture Theatre Materials: University approved calculator & SID H D · E D U C A T I O N Threshold Exam (20%) – 20 marks – Pass mark is 75% in the exam – 75% equals 10 marks. – 100% equals 20 marks – If result ≥ 75% • Mark Calculation = (%Result – 75%) * 0.4 +10 – If result < 75% • Mark Calculation = (%Result - 75%) * 0.13 Knowledge Receiver Knowledge Generator H D · E D U C A T I O N What do engineers do? ⚫ Knowledge receiver: students are passive recipients of the knowledge pre-packed for them by their instructor and the curriculum ⚫ Knowledge generator: self-directed creative process of engagement in which the learner takes responsibility for the process of souring resources, data collection, construction and production of new knowledge Cultural impacts on communication H D · E D U C A T I O N Communicat ion ⚫ Power/Distance ⚫ Uncertainty Avoidance ⚫ Individualism/Collectivism ⚫ Masculinity/Femininity ⚫ Long-term/Short-term Orientation What is a project? H D · E D U C A T I O N I n t ro d u c t i o n t o P ro j e c t M a n a g e m e n t ⚫ Temporary ⚫ Unique ⚫ Vary in size, scope, cost and time What is project management? H D · E D U C A T I O N I n t ro d u c t i o n t o P ro j e c t M a n a g e m e n t ⚫ Project management provides a structured approach to managing projects ⚫ Relies on an integrated information and control system to: -Plan, instruct, monitor, and control data and resources -Enable effective facilitation of problem solving and decision making processes Nine knowledge area of project management H D · E D U C A T I O N I n t ro d u c t i o n t o P ro j e c t M a n a g e m e n t ⚫ Scope Management ⚫ Time Management ⚫ Cost Management ⚫ Quality Management ⚫ Human Resource Management ⚫ Communications Management ⚫ Risk Management ⚫ Procurement Management ⚫ Project Integration Basic project management stages H D · E D U C A T I O N I n t ro d u c t i o n t o P ro j e c t M a n a g e m e n t ⚫ Identify/define the problem to be solved ⚫ Determine the main “stages” of the project ⚫ Breakdown stages into tasks ⚫ Determine interdependency of tasks (if any) ⚫ Investigate risks associated with stages/tasks ⚫ Estimate/determine time required for each task ⚫ Set milestones & deadlines ⚫ Allocate resources to tasks Why important for engineers? H D · E D U C A T I O N Cr i t i ca l Th ink ing ⚫ Engineers need to think about validity when solving problems ⚫ Social responsibility (must make well informed decisions) Process H D · E D U C A T I O N Cr i t i ca l Th ink ing ⚫ Intellectual standards ⚫ Elements of reasoning ⚫ Intellectual traits Reflection on our learning H D · E D U C A T I O N Learn ing ⚫ Metacognition: Thinking about one’s own thinking ⚫ Self-Efficacy: Strength of one’s belief in their ability ⚫ Agency: Capacity of a person to act in given environment ⚫ Horizons for action: Variety of actions or choices you have able to you in any given situation Innovation vs Origination H D · E D U C A T I O N Innovat ion ⚫ Innovation: significant modification of something that exists ⚫ Origination: something brand new Innovation H D · E D U C A T I O N Creative thinking model H D · E D U C A T I O N Creat ive Th ink ing ⚫ Exploration ⚫ Incubation ⚫ Intimation ⚫ Illumination Barriers to creative thinking H D · E D U C A T I O N Creat ive Th ink ing ⚫ Perceptual barriers: prevents clear understanding of the design problem ⚫ Cultural barriers: discourage non-traditional approaches that violate social norms ⚫ Environmental barriers: anything in your immediate surrounding which inhibits creativity ⚫ Emotional barriers: feelings that discourage you from considering a solution or distract you from the problem ⚫ Intellectual barriers: insufficient knowledge of a topic to incorporate it into the design Identify alternatives H D · E D U C A T I O N Creat ive Th ink ing ⚫ Vertical thinking: logic and fact ⚫ Lateral thinking: risk taking and imagination ⚫ Brainstorming Perceptual Barriers H D · E D U C A T I O N Different approaches H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineer ing Des ign ⚫ Selection design: selecting standard components and assembling in straightforward manner ⚫ Configuration design: Typically involves use of standard components, components located and arranged to improve performance or reduce size ⚫ Parametric design: Parameters may be embedded in equations that express relationship between design parameters, objectives and/or constraints ⚫ Original design Selection Design H D · E D U C A T I O N What is a Model? H D · E D U C A T I O N Models ⚫ Physical/ Virtual/ Mathematical models 1. As a proof of concept 2. As a design tool 3. As an analytical tool Proper ties H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineer ing Requi rements ⚫ Abstract (what the system will do) ⚫ Unambiguous ⚫ Verifiable ⚫ Traceable ⚫ Validation (determining if requirements meet user needs ) Engineering Requirement H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Requirement H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineer ing Requi rement H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Requirement H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Requirement H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Requirement H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Requirement H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Requirement H D · E D U C A T I O N Types H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineer ing Requi rement ⚫ Performance and functionality ⚫ Reliability and availability ⚫ Energy ⚫ Environmental Judge alternative solution H D · E D U C A T I O N Requirement Specification ⚫ Cost ⚫ Performance: features and functions of design ⚫ Reliability: expected frequency of failure ⚫ Maintainability: cost, expertise and resources required to keep product operational over its lifetime Requirement Specification H D · E D U C A T I O N Stages H D · E D U C A T I O N Product L i fe Cyc le ⚫ Requirement analysis (What is the problem to be solved) ⚫ System design (How will problem be solved) ⚫ Detailed design ⚫ Production ⚫ Distribution ⚫ Consumption ⚫ Retirement Consumption H D · E D U C A T I O N Product L i fe Cyc le ⚫ Design for maintainability ⚫ Design for the environment ⚫ Design for operational safety Retirement H D · E D U C A T I O N Product L i fe Cyc le ⚫ Design for ease of dismantling ⚫ Design for environmental responsibility Requirement Analysis H D · E D U C A T I O N System Design H D · E D U C A T I O N System Design H D · E D U C A T I O N Product L i fe Cyc le H D · E D U C A T I O N Product L i fe Cyc le H D · E D U C A T I O N Product L i fe Cyc le H D · E D U C A T I O N H D · E D U C A T I O N Concurrent Engineer ing ⚫ Systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent design of products and the related processes, including manufacturing and support. ⚫ Requires a multi-disciplined design team including personnel from manufacturing, marketing, sales, production, support, maintenance ⚫ Inte nded to promote designers/developers (from the outset) to consider all elements of the product life cycle; from conception through to disposal ⚫ Reduces late (costly) changes from other sources, as those sources are involved from the start of the project ⚫ Enabling quality products to get to market quicker Concurrent Engineering H D · E D U C A T I O N DFM H D · E D U C A T I O N Des ign for Manufactur ing ⚫ Design aimed at minimising the cost of production while maintaining an appropriate level of quality ⚫ Prevents producing designs that are expensive/difficult to manufacture DFM H D · E D U C A T I O N DFA H D · E D U C A T I O N Des ign for Assembly ⚫ Design aimed at reducing the time and cost required to assemble a product, while maintaining high quality in the finished product DFA H D · E D U C A T I O N What is a hazard? H D · E D U C A T I O N Hazards ⚫ Source or situation with the potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, damage to property, environment or a combination of these What is r isk? H D · E D U C A T I O N Risk ⚫ The chance of something happening that will have a negative impact. It is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood Risk in relation to hazards ⚫ The probability and potential consequence(s) of occurrences of injury, illness or damage arising from exposure to a hazard Hazard H D · E D U C A T I O N Risk H D · E D U C A T I O N HOC H D · E D U C A T I O N Hierarchy of Contro l HOC H D · E D U C A T I O N HOC H D · E D U C A T I O N HOC H D · E D U C A T I O N HOC H D · E D U C A T I O N HOC H D · E D U C A T I O N HOC H D · E D U C A T I O N HOC H D · E D U C A T I O N HOC H D · E D U C A T I O N Types of standards H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineer ing Standards ⚫ Mandatory : must conform to (legislation or contract) ⚫ Guidance: informative or “industry best practice” ⚫ Industry: consortium (usually proprietary) Kinds of standards H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineer ing Standards ⚫ Performance standards: address how system performs and functions, doesn't specify how to meet standard ⚫ Design standard Engineering Standards H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Standards H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Standards H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Standards H D · E D U C A T I O N Engineering Standards H D · E D U C A T I O N Costs H D · E D U C A T I O N Economi cs of p roduct deve l opment ⚫ Fixed costs ⚫ Variable costs Breakeven Analysis H D · E D U C A T I O N Breakeven Analysis H D · E D U C A T I O N Breakeven Analysis H D · E D U C A T I O N Breakeven Analysis H D · E D U C A T I O N Breakeven Analysis H D · E D U C A T I O N Breakeven Analysis H D · E D U C A T I O N Breakeven Analysis H D · E D U C A T I O N Breakeven Analysis H D · E D U C A T I O N 感谢大家关注HD·EDUCATION H D · E D U C A T I O N 快 来 加 小 助 手 获 得 更 多 免 费 福 利 / 百 人 互 助 群 / 前 辈 授 课


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